Georgia State University-Perimeter College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Georgia State University-Perimeter College know before they start?


Fill out your FAFSA!! Its is never too early. I promise you will not regret it, and make time to study even if you make friends who always want you to do something with them. Make time for fun, but please please please make time to study. Take it from me/you, you will not enjoy taking a break as much as you would think. Love ya!


I would tell myself ,put as much effort on your work as you can. At the end all the work you put into your education would turn out for the better.This is your last chance to make the best for yourself or do you want to pay for you education or go to school for free,look at mom and dad, you know they are not gonna be able to pay for your college,and your jobs are only to help mom and dad pay for the bills.You know what i had to do in order to go to college i had to sell all the gold that i had,and that only raise enough for one semester and rigth now i had to take the spring semester off because i couldn't afford it,i have to work as much as i can to see if i can raise enough money for summer.So you see the much work you put in to your homework and projects would later reward you later in life ,and being able to go to a prestige school that would better on your work resume,work hard for us and family.


Pursue your true dream of becoming a Pediatrician. In order to become a Pediatrician you will need to obtain a degree in biology, followed by medical school and clinicals. Please attend Pace University Westchester Campus, as it is closer to home, and you will not have so much of a culture shock as you did at Penn State University. The plan "B" will be to pursue a nursing dregree and become a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. You are also very smart you, so you can receive scholarships, as Daddy will not be able to pay for the entire college eduation. It will prove to be to expensive for him, even though he will try his best. You will also need to obtain internships over the summer to gain more understandings of the medical field. Enjoy your life, because after 21 it will speed by. And always put GOD first!!!


I would tell myself do not back down from a challenge. Challenges are there to help u succeed in the future. I would push myself to take an AP class or take an extra math class. Instead of playing around on the weekends, I would have found a job that specializes in the career field I plan to pursue. I would learn from my peers; watched how they succeed in class. Instead of being a regular high school student, I would participate in after school activities and join clubs. I most certainly do not regret anything I did in high school. I have learned from my mistakes and I will move on to be a great Pharmacist one day!


If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to take a year off and travel the world. Utilize these experiences to help you determine what your interests truly are and then pursue those interests in college. Life does not have to be scripted; it is okay to take the less traveled path because in the long run, you will be happier and not have to go back to school again for a degree in what you truly want to do.


Stay away from colleges like AIU as the courses do not transfer and focus on biology/science related classes in order to make it easier in college pre-dentistry.


In regards to choosing a major---don't stress about it; you have an opportunity to change your mind if another area catches your interest. If you are struggling in a class, find help to set yourself up for sucess. Positive thinking is a important state of mind to have going into college; thinking you are going to suceed rather than fail is going to boost not only your confidence in your self, but will most likely improve how you actually do.


I would tell myself to study and build study skills.


I would tell seniors to take school seriously. The choices you make in high school will affect you for the rest of your life. School is so important in today's society that we all need to earn a higher education. It's important to do well in school in order to make it to a college and finish out school. Also, don't be afraid to challenge yourself with more difficult classes because it will definately help out in college and make the transistion easier.


If I could give myself advice I would say to apply for as many scholarships as possible because in today?s economy paying for classes out of pocket with no scholarship money is almost impossible. I would also tell myself to make sure that I find a job that will work with my schools schedule and that pays well so that I don't have to worry about choosing between buying school books or buying groceries. I would also mention if i can buy used books, that i should because they save a lot on money.