Georgia State University Top Questions

Describe your favorite campus traditions.


Large research institute in heart of Downtown Atlanta.


Georgia State University is best known for its modern city appeal. Students from all over the world are accepted here, and culutral diversity is strongly welcomed. Different opinions are common here, and not alienated by others, but are given a chance to be heard.


My school is best known for its location in the heart of downtown Atlanta.


Georgia State is best known for a easier commuter school in metro Atlanta. Some students in the metro Atlanta area want to find the cheapest way to attend a great school, and Georgia State is that school.


It is best know for being in the heart of down town Atlanta. A lot of people like the idea of living in a big city, so that's why they come here. It is also well known for being a commuter school. A lot of people live at home, and about a fourth of the students are older adults.


opportunities for teachers


Being a research University in Atlanta


being the city school in atlanta




Being the second largest university in Georgia, Georgia State University is known for its diversty within the student body and faculty. Because GSU is located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, amongst many well-known companies and businesses, its provides ample opportunities for networking, job placement, and career advancements. Although Georgia State is well-known for its School of Business, the university offers several degrees in extensive fields of study.