I was apart of the Dual Enrollment Honors program as a highschool senior. I went to Kennesaw State University my senior year of highschool, and I was able to complete my entire freshman year of college (30 hours) by the time I graduated high school. Because of this, the transition to Georgia State was relatively easy. I was used to the college work load, and the hardest part of my transition was moving out on my own. I am so glad I participated in the DEHP program, because it has put me ahead in my college career as well as made the transition from high school to college dramatically easier.
I would tell myself to study more outside of the classroom, because there is only so much that you can learn inside the classroom, there are some things that need to be done yourself. I would suggest that I read more so that I can broaden my vocabulary, asn become as independent as possible.
I believe the moast impotant advice I could give myself, or anyone for that matter, is not to put off going to college. You should make it your top priority. I have waited seventeen yearsto return and it has been the biggest regret I have had in life. It makes more sense to go before you start a family. I am now a single mother of three children. It is going to be harder now then it would've been right after high school. I have struggled alot over the years because of not continuing my education. There are no jobs in the world today without a degree. If you go to school and further your education, you can be independent. Most pople say they don't need school, but that's not true. Take it from me, it's a hard world out here. If you want things for you and your ffamily make sure you focus on your education. That is one of the main things you need in life to be successful.
I have come to learn that experience is the true teacher of life so I would impart myself with "His" experience in hopes that he would proceed more confidently and faster achieve more than I have. I would tell myself it does not matter that he doesn't have a proper father figure to motivate him. All those dreams and aspirations that he thought were impossible are not only doable but are effortless for someone that thinks like him. He should not settle for simply being in law enforcement because he is athletic, but he could go to college and play football and run track as well as use that body and looks to become a pageant king and as Mr. "Black" California he would influence many youth's lives through his example; all the while maintaining a Dean's List status and get an AA with highest honors. Most off all I would impart to him a need for self knowledge for it is with this that most of the lessons he will learn will become increasingly easier to understand. Of Course there will be work involved but with self knowledge and a plan no work is hard work.
The advice that I would give my past self would be to be more confident. I would tell myself that it is ok to ask for help and that there is no need to be intimidated by new experiences. College is all about change and discovery.
One of the most important things I would tell myself is to make sure to communicate with college professors. Summing up the courage to talk to them speaks volumes about your commitment to your work. Although it may be anxious at first, in the long run, it will encourage the professor to help your grade and it will help with future networking and communication skills.
Another important thing is to be open minded to new ideas and experiences. Be friendly to people you would not have thought of meeting. Go to cultural events. Eat the cuisine of another country. Engage in an enlightening conversation. Express your opinion in classes. If you put yourself out there, there is no telling what new thing you will experience, what knowledge you will gain, or what interesting person you will meet.
I would tell myself to start college immediately after high school and to take all the classes I needed to focus on much sooner. I didn't start till I was almost 20 and I feel that if I had started college after graduating high school and started taking my theatre classes right at the start instead of in my second year, I would've felt ready to audition for the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA) much sooner and things could've turned out differently and probably easier. I also should've gotten a job much sooner and save up money to try to pay for this school. It's so expensive and I am struggling to find a way to pay to go to the school of my dreams, not even my uncle will help me. I am hoping to win this scholarship so it can help me at least a little. With all the hard work I've done to be one of the first people accepted by AMDA, I feel I deserve this.
The main thing I would tell my high school self, would be, "don't stop!" Taking almost 10 years off between high school and college was the main mistake i have made in my life. It has been so much more difficult trying to go back to school now that I'm married and supporting my family, I just wish I had taken the opportunities afforded to me then and gotten my education so that I could be further along in my goals for my life. Education is so important and I should have made it a bigger priority in my life when I was younger.
Dont be shy, give people the benefit of the doubt because not everyone that you meet is going to hurt you and you may lose your chance to make long lasting friends
Dont Stress not everything is going to go as plan. Just do your best and everything will be alright. Studying is key and its ok to ask for help also Be yourself no matter dont try to empress anyone and make everyone like you.
Challenge yourself. College should be fun, of course. But you are also going through a period in your life that will help shape who you are. Make friends, stay up too late, skip a class once in a while. But DON'T take the easy route. Don't take 12 hours when you could be taking 15+. You will surprise yourself at how much time you actually have. You will surprise yourself even more by how much you can accomplish by "jumping in the deep end" even though you're not sure you can swim.
Test your limits. College is a very forgiving time in your life. If you find your limits now you won't have to fail so hard later.