Gettysburg College Top Questions

Describe the students at Gettysburg College.


This school is very clique-y and elite. Students are close-minded and arrogant. The faculty tries to promote inclusion and diversity, but for the most part, it fails completely. Students are upper class white kids with wealthy families. Students are jocks/preppy kids, hipsters, foreign exchange students and everyone else. Most students are from the Northeast.


My classmates are young, immature, and would rather play games than truly learn something new about themselves, the world, or even about other people. They want to have fun. Some of my classmates see this, too, and want more out of their college experience, and I admire their strength amid such dreary, uninterested college kids.


Some are very smart. Some are very dumb. There's really no in-between.


My classmates at Gordon College, are very nice, respectful, and are fun to be around.


They were dedicated learners.


Typically classmates are friendly and engaging and tend to work and study together for assignments and projects.


my classmates are energentic and willing to learn from the teachers and peer through many different interactions both inside the classroom and outside in many activities


Drunk, preppy, and conservative


Most of my classmates are intelligent. Most of them are a lot wealthier than I am. And, most of them act like they are a lot wealthier than I am.


Work hard, play hard.