Gettysburg College Top Questions

Describe the students at Gettysburg College.


Gburg students are mainly white, upper-class, preppy kids. If you're a girl, names like Lilly Pulitzer, Jack Rogers, Uggs, CK Bradley, Vineyard Vines, Ella Moss, Burberry, Longchamp, and Ralph Lauren are a part of everyday conversation. A typical guy wears a Polo or long sleeve button down, usually in pink, yellow, light green, light blue, or lavender, with khaki shorts, a Vineyard Vines belt and Sperry boat shoes. Guys are also often seen in navy blue blazers, anything madras or seersucker, and croakies (if you don't know what any of these are, you'll definitely know when you get there). Guys really are all about "the more over-the-top preppy, the better." Popping your collar is a must. And of course, everyone needs a ton of orange and blue gear. Often times students (especially those affiliated with frats or sororities) are seen as pompous or stuck up, although most are not like that. However, the majority of gburg students do have a heightened sense of gburg pride, almost to the point of boasting that they are better than other schools (and even people). But that's all part of the Gettysburg experience. While the majority of students are like the ones explained above, other types of individuals find their niches and seem to enjoy Gettysburg and all it has to offer. There's a lot of opportunities for groups or organizations, and I didn't meet one person who absolutely hated the school, regardless of social group.


As already discussed the majority of students are upper middle class white northeast kids. However there are growing diverse groups, which while they exist, for the most part like to stay together. I had always thought the expression "birds of a feather flock together" was just that, until I came to Gettysburg. While definately there are friendships that are going on inbetween different groups, and with the division that majors provide to these social groups, many friendships and bonds form across groups, in the end the expression mentioned above holds true. My second roommate from Hawaii (and a bunch of other western states since his parents moved a lot) really felt uncomfortable at Gettysburg. However unless you are a social loner, who is pessimistic, and comes with a predetermined mind to dislike Gettysburg, you probably won't feel like him.


Gettysburg is a very social campus. Everyone knows everyone and someone who would not fit in here would be someone who really isn't interested in partying and getting to know new people all the time. In the spring time, female students wear sundresses and flip flops to class and male students wear pastel polos and plaid shorts. However, it is also popular for boys to run around campus in mesh shorts and jerseys while girls do the same. In the winter, female students wear north face fleeces or burberry jackets and usually some form of uggs or rain boots while male students are almost always wearing north face fleeces as well. Many different kinds of students interact all the time, for example, a group of girls dress to the nines everyday will sit at lunch with another group of girls that is wearing casual attire. The most prevalent financial background at Gettysburg College is wealthy students whos parents not only fund their entire tuition but also their livelihood while enrolled. However, the students don't talk about their financial status in a way that is degrading to others who do not have the same financial upbringing, mostly because a high percentage of the students have a great deal of wealth.


Even though Gettysburg is small and comes across as a preppy school, I feel like it is possible for everyone to find a group they can become involved with and friends to relate to. There are a lot of clubs and groups on campus for all sorts of different interests, and many of them create a huge bonding experience. There are groups such as the Black Student Union and Allies (LGBT) that represent minority groups and organize many events on campus, there are interest- and activity-based student-run groups such as Dance Ensemble, a capella groups and various theme housing, and there are also many college-run groups such as the various choirs and clubs for different majors. Fraternities and sororities are also pretty big on campus, from groups like the co-ed service fraternity APO to more standard fraternities and sororities... all of these groups have strong internal social bonding and structure but also provide activities and events to the general campus population. As for typical backgrounds of students, many are from New England, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, but there are also international students and many students from states much further away (I am from CO and know several other people who are, for instance). Gettysburg is expensive so many of the students come from upper class backgrounds, but there is also a healthy financial aid program so there are also many students on full or partial scholarship, or loans, or work study, or grants, etc.


The school is working on becoming more diverse. However, racially, the students aren't as integrated. The Black Student Union, BOMB Squad and Gospel Choir are not friendly towards the white community. While individually blacks and whites are friends and peers, the black community is rather possessive of their own. There is an Asian Student Alliance and a Muslim Student Alliance as well as a Hillel and a Newman Association. Catholics are a large presence, as well as the Christian disciplemakers. Gettysburg students come from all over the country, as well as the globe, but are largely from PA. Students are neither politically active nor politically obstuse: they are aware of pertinent issues, have an opinion on most things but are largely content.


The student body is overall very homogeneous, which depending on your opinion could be a plus or a minus. Gettysburg students are white, and upper or upper-middle class. It is also a relatively conservative student body, which makes some feel at home and others out of place. While there are some students who do not fit this mold, they tend to self-segregate so there is little interaction between the two groups. Most students hail from suburbs outside of major cities on the East Coast (D.C., Baltimore, Philly, New York, Boston) with a few exceptions.


Gettysburg has a group on campus that isery involved with social justice (CPS). The main issue examied on our campus is race, however, there is a LGBT group (Allies) as well as a few other justice groups. There many religious groups on campus... everything from Catholic to Buddhist to Pagan. I know the DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship is excellent, strong, and active. It is a non- denominational group that focuses on pursuing Christ. They meet for various activities 2-3 times a week. This group has been the highlight of my college experience. The student who would feel most out of place here is probably someone from a large, liberal city from the West Coast. Everyone can find their niche, though. There are always those of us who wear sweatpants to class, but most people (mostly girls) really go all out to dress up and look nice, especially in warm weather. Anything goes, though. People may not really be into "different" but everyone is respectful and generally accepting. Most students are from NY, Jersey, PA, but there are the oddballs here and there from Texas, Cali, Oregon, China, etc.


The majority of students are not very politically aware or active but those who are REALLY are, and it's quite a niche.


ok, so yes lilly pulitzer dresses are common place and i didn't know about the controversy about popping versus unpopping a collar before i went to gettysburg, but it feels like a lot is changing. the stereo-types are pretty true, but there are all types of people on campus if you take the time, look hard enough, and join the right groups. there really is a lot at your disposal here and i wish i had taken advantage of that my freshman year. we are lacking in the racial diversity area... very predominately white; however, i know that a lot is being done to change that AND there are a ton of groups springing up all over the place to talk about race issues and tensions and to bring it to the forefront. the school is supposedly semi-right leaning, however, it feels like a pretty even mix to me. and with the exception of the poli-sci majors (like me) people seem pretty apathetic. maybe its because there is so much going on, so many things to care about and join that they feel over whelmed. either way, trust, you'll find someone who falls into line with your ideas: religious, political, etc. Also, i think gettysburg is moderately accepting of all sexual orientations. there is def a GBLT group on campus and its just not talked about as a big deal.


Gettysburg College is not diverse. There are a few minority kids, but not many. The girls wear sun-dresses and the guys wear the boat shoes, kahki pants, and collared shirts. I wear ratty t-shirts and jeans to be different and the midwest isn't preppy. Some of the rich, preppy kids can be snobby, but overall the student body is pretty close. Everyone pretty much knows everyone by the end of first year. The majority of the students come from New Jersey.