gettysburg is pretty homogeneous, but also has great diversity within its ogranizations. within my own circle of roommates almost every major is represented, i find myself interacting with many people of different interests and habits.
Gettysburg does not make anyone feel out of place. Although it is mostly white and upper class, any minority background or economic background would feel comfortable here.
In general Gettysburg is a very tolerant campus. Although it's not as diverse as some schools i feel that this doesn't pose any problems and students generally feel comfortable being themselves. On any given day you will see a full range of outfits being worn to class from sweats and pajamas to dressy clothes. It really doesn't matter what you wear to class though. Sometimes i wake up in the morning and want to dress cute - other times that just seems like far too much effort and i revert to my go-to outfit of jeans, a sweatshirt, and flip-flops. Most students are from the Northern part of the east coast, but in recent years there has also been a large pull from the midwest and california.
The majority of Gettysburg students are from areas in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and Pennsylvania. The student body has many different groups, but holding true to the stereotype the most prevalent are upper middle class, white, and preppy. It would not be unusual to walk into a classroom and find a few students decked out in sundresses for girls or khakis and buttondowns for guys.
A lot of people participate in athletics.
There is not much diversity at this school. the majority of students are white, preppy students. Unfortunately, the school has a lot of cliques. There are rifts between different fraternities and sororities. Students not part of Greek life are usually involved in something else such as an athletic team, student senate, public service, or another club on campus. The student body is the one negative thing about this campus. There are a lot of cliques and it can be hard trying to find where you fit in. Luckily, there are many extracurricular activities on campus to involve everyone in someway.
The student body is very driven and competitive. Everyone is out for the best job after graduation with the biggest profit. Success after graduation is the biggest goal here and everyone is looking for that edge.
my experiences with other groups has been limited, but they make an effort to be heard on a very homogeneous campus. i think people who would feel uncomfortable would be those who segregate themselves, gettysburg is a very white campus, but not unaccepting. people wear a variety of things to class depending on their group of friends etc. different types of people definitely interact. four tables? 1) football players, 2) a group of girls 3) kinda dorky kids 4) anyone who wants. most students are from NJ, NY, Conn. and PA. wealthy backgrounds. if they want to be they are, both left, right and center. no people don't.
The Gettysburg student body is pretty homogeneous, despite the fact that the school tries to promote diversity. Typically, students here are white and from upper class families. People here dress pretty nicely for class, although it all depends on the day and weather and the person. You can dress pretty much however you like and get away with it. Students are involved in a lot of different things on campus because it is so small and it's not difficult to find a club/team/organization you like. Most kids on campus are pretty conservative, although they'd like to think they are more liberal.
Students are Gettysburg are, for the most part, white upper middle class. We have a few international students, and a plethora of "diverse" clubs on campus, but when almost every black person on campus is a member of the BSU, and the BSU only have about 30 members, that says something. Don't let the campus brochures fool you -- those diverse pictures represent pretty much every non white student on the campus.
The majority of Gettysburg students are from PA, NJ, MD or NY, which means that the first question you'll be asked when you meet someone is "where are you from?" because chances are you know the town, or at least something near it.
Most Gettysburg students come from the East Coast and attended good high schools and come from higher socio-economic backgrounds. However, that does not mean that this represents the ENTIRE student population. I had many friends from all walks of life and all different kinds of backgrounds. Gettysburg really helps to foster tolerance and acceptance of all kinds of people. This is part of their mission and it is shown in their huge percentage of students who participate in community service and other projects.