gettysburg is pretty diverse - alot of international students - but the majority is upper class white preppy kids - i guess people who really try to go against the grain would feel pretty out of place - most students are from the north east
The morning classes are mostly when students wear sweats. After the morning, students dress up in very preppy clothes. Artsy or non-preppy students would find Gettysburg very hard to assimilate into.
Students at Gettysburg are smart people. They like to be intellectually challenged, and this is what makes small classes so wonderful. You are bound to have a real discussion in class every day.
Overall, most students are upper-class white people. There are very few minorities of any kind: race, sexual orientation, etc. Most are conservative in their political views. A majority of them are involved in greek life, but there is still plenty to do if you aren't in a frat or sorority. Everyone is part of a club, organization, sport etc. There are so many different ways to get involved on campus, and that is what really ties it all together.
Predominantly white and christian. Mainly come from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Very preppy attire is worn. Most students come from very affluent backgrounds.
My complaint is that the school is not diverse enough culturally. It advertises itself as such, but the majority of the students are causasian, and even the minorities on school only seem to hang out with others of the same minority. That bothers me a lot coming from a very diverse high school where I had friends of all races. While I don't think anyone would outright be put down, I do feel there are some tensions and that a lot of people on campus would perhaps snub others who are not "adequate" in terms of status, sexuality, race, etc. I feel that the campus is very cliquey, and I dislike that about it. It took me a long time to meet friends that I felt I fit in with well. Most Gettysburg students are from New Jersey, NEw York, and New England, but we get others from states farther south or even the west coast. I'd say most people ARE from rich, white backgrounds, but there are people who aren't (like me). Students are politically aware/active if it interests them. I'd say a lot of students on campus a liberal, but there are a fair number of conservatives too. I've never heard anyone talking about how much they'll earn one day.
The student body at Gettysburg is not very diversified. Minorities probably feel a little out of place at Gettysburg but I do not feel minorities should feel threatened or attacked at Gettysburg. Despite not being a very diversified campus, I believe the student body as a whole is very accepting of people.
All the different groups on campus blend together. Sure, people of similar races, religions, etc will tend to group together, but everyone respects each other. Most students are politically aware and active and there is the whole gamut of views.
One thing that was hard to get used to when I first came here was the clothing style. At my highschool, I wore ripped and frayed jeans, tshirts with band logos and other designs on them, and my hippy sandals. My sense of clothing was laid back, and mostly whatever looked good that was clean. In coming to Gettysburg, the majority of people I saw wore polos, skirts, sundresses, collared longsleeved shirts, office attire, dress pants, nice sweaters. It was definitely a shock to me and I felt out of place for awhile. But then I realized that I sort of needed to grow up into a more mature style of clothing. So now I sometimes wear nicer shirts, skirts, and sometimes a collared shirt here and there. But between the few days I decide to look nice, I still wear my personal style of clothing because that's who I am.
-vast majority wealthy and white
-ull see students with pink pants and tourguiouze pollos on at 2am in the library
-its very preppy
-alot of students fom long island, new jersey, and pa