Gettysburg College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Gettysburg College accurate?


in a lot of cases, but there are still a lot of people who don't fit the stereotypes and it's not hard to find them


This is very accurate. Gettysburg College has developed this preppy atmosphere over time and it’s certainly not because of the metropolis in which it’s located. Truth is, if you are able to pay the College tuition outright with no federal aid, then you’ll fit right in with the everyday Lacoste, Polo Ralph Lauren, Vineyard Vines, J. Crew, J. Mclaughlin and Madras wearing students. Despite the headache you may get from the vibrant, pastel colored clothing, this preppy attitude adds to the culture of the Gettysburg Community.


There are a lot of people that fit the stereotypes; it can be a very "cookie cutter," one mold campus, but we still have a lot of diversity.


I'm sorry to say that yeah, some of these stereotypes are pretty accurate. There is a huge amount of drinking that goes on every weekend, and even during the week and during finals. It's crazy. And yes, Greek life is huge, and mainly consists of getting wasted. There are tons of really preppy people to go along with both, but that is not to say that Gettysburg consists of a group of mindless meat heads getting wasted all the time. On the contrary, the majority of students are hard workers and very bright. This is college, and you don't have to do anything you don't want to. It's your life and you call all the shots. So, so what if Greek life is huge? If you're into it, that's cool. And if you're not, you steer clear. If you're a drinker, you drink, but if not, there is a whole lot else to do around here. The college is constantly putting on events, including concerts and shows on weekends. There's plenty of food available, and lounge space inside and out where you can just chill with your friends.


pretty preppy, somewhat rich, very fratty, for the most part attractive student body


No. But Gettysburg is a college that costs almost $50k per year and adams county is one of the lowest per capita income counties in the state so it is understandable that the stereotype persists.


Often, they are to a certain extent true. Gettysburg is not diverse, and most of the students come from well off families who happen to be from the East Coast. While some kids do choose to literally party their college years away, many students are academically engaged and manage their time well.


Mostly yes. There are some exceptions though.


1. NO! Your social experience will be very different if you choose to have no interaction with the Greek system. That being said, you can't be involved until your sophmore year. When sophmore fall rolled around I decided I was too busy with sports and other extracurriculars to get involved in a sorority. 7 boys from my freshman hall joined the same fraternity, so I became an adopted member. Sophmore rush allows you to make your own friends before entering the Greek system. I just finished 4 wonderful years at Gettysburg without being in a sorority and I don't think I missed out on anything but headaches and meetings. 2. A lot of Nantucket red and sundresses, for sure. It's not all preppy though. Being an athlete I usually dressed somewhere between sweats and jeans. There are lots of different students at Gettysburg, from preppy to outdoorsy. Everyone can find a place.


Pretty much, unless you've got a group of GOOD friends who are willing to do other things than drinking and going to frat parties