There are many people that fall into both of those stereotypes but there are also a lot of students who dont fall into either of those categories and are really cool, down to earth, and interesting.
There is certainly a good number of students at this school who fit this profile and while they are quite visible they are not the only kinds of students here.
Some of the students party pretty hard, and there is pretty much always a party on campus somewhere, but there's a good balance. Also, the majority of students are not Greek and it's not difficult to have a great social life if you're not.
To some extent, yes. But I think there is more too it than that. Though there may be a lot of people who enjoy activities such as partying and may wear a lot of madras and j crew- the campus is full of active and involved people who just want to be part of a campus that can really contribute something- and also create a community that is great to be a part of.
For the most part, yes.
While there obviously is a majority of more wealthy kids on campus, there is a growing minority of lower economic kids that are appearing. While the majority of students are white, there is a growing (and very vocal) organization of black students, who have formed their own Black Students Union and Gospel choir independent of school run organizations. The majority of students do seem to come from the northeast coast however remember that New York and New Jersey are more easily accessible due to the proximity of US Rt. 78 and the fact that Pennsylvania is included as part of the Northeast, it only makes sense that the majority of students come from the northeast. However my second roommate was from Hawaii, and there is a growing multitude of international students, so Gettysburg is gaining different viewpoints in this manner as well.
While a very high percentage of the students come from very wealthy families and prestigious high schools there are still a number of students who would not be classified in this stereotype. The campus is small, but is not dull. My four years at Gettysburg were the best years of my life and I was devistated when I had to drive away from the campus the day after graduation. The campus is small but beautiful and the faculty is very close with the students and everyday you find a face you know.
There are a lot of people who do fit the stereotype, but there are also a lot of people who don't... basically, you can find friends who are similar to you or share your interests even if you don't fit in with the stereotype, even though it's pretty accurate.
A majority of students are wealthier, but this is to be expected at any expensive private college. There are preppy students and certainly J. Crew is popular, but there is a large population of the student body that follow their own fashions. The Greek community may seem like a large presence, but less than 30 percent of students are Greek. Students are obsessed with grades and partying: that's definetely accurate. The Gettysburg motto is "Work Hard, Play Smart."
Yes, but I believe that it is one of the things that makes Gettysburg a fun place to go to school -- there were a lot of other people there who were just like me.