Gettysburg College Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Gettysburg College?


preppy, white, rich, drunk


Gettysburg = "southern cultured" town....hickville. GC Students = "prepdom"....preppy.


There are a lot of stereotypes regarding the typical sorority girls and frat boys on campus, how rich the students are. Every girl on campus owns a North Face, Vera Bradley, and Uggs.


Some say this is a party school. They say there is a lot of drinking that goes on here, and that that is really the only thing to do on weekends. One stereotype is that Gettysburg college is like a mecca for all the preppy attire you could ever imagine, not to mention more BMW's and Mercedes than you can count. Sports is also said to be a huge deal here, especially lacrosse and football. And Greek life is supposed to be prevalent.


Preppy, rich, fratty, attractive


There is a reciprocal rushed judgment made by locals and students. Locals will tell you that Gettysburg students are spoiled, rich brats who buy a coke and candy bar with their daddy's platinum master card. Students will tell you that the locals are rednecks that are just jealous.


Gettysburg is known as a school full of rich, mostly white kids from New Jersey, Long Island and Connecticut. People know it as a party school where Greek life is huge and students put a lot of energy into their social lives.


Preppy, rich, wear pastel colors, popped collars, sockless loafers, madras pants, etc. Big partiers, drink lots of beer and hard alcohol


1. Everyone is in Greek life, and you can't have a social life without it. 2. It's a grown up version of prep school.


Big party/frat school, lots of drinking, little/no social life other than partying and drinking