There is plenty of time for having fun and enjoying life while your in college. Focus on your grades and finding scholarship money to help pay next year. You already have made your mind up that you want to become a dentist so strap down and create a plan and take the important core classes first. Math and science are crucial for dentistry, make this a priority and stop worring about going snowboarding!
Sincerley, Yourself Looking Back
I would tell myself that life will be difficult but you can make your own choices and have the steering wheel to navigate where you are going. College is a foundation for a better future, if you make the right choices now, you're going to be light years ahead of your peers. However, there are plenty of information, resources, and advice you can gather from people who have been through the same thing before. So listen to what they're telling you but also THINK. After high school, nobody is going to hold your hands, you got to play your own cards.
You are not spending enough time envisioning the future you want. Without vision, you are like a fish out of water. You need to reignite your imagination, and use it to dream up your perfect life.
Your mind is the most powerful thing in the universe. If you will commit to envisioning the life you want, you will ignite a burning passion within your soul to achieve your dreams.
Now you are lazy because you think success is doing the least amount of work for the most amount of gain. What a foolish thought! No one truly succeeds at anything doing the bare minimum. You have held this logic throughout High School, but it is a lie.
Build the life you want in your mind until you see every pleasant detail. Drive the car you want in your mind until your heart is racing with excitement. This will bring you passionate purpose. It will open your eyes to opportunities that lie just outside your awareness, so that you indeed succeed.
Your mind is infinitely powerful, as your thoughts penetrate the universe. Begin to think positively with purpose, and you will find success beyond your wildest dreams. I guarantee it.
Go to college with the right mind set and no what you want to major in before going make sure it is what you want to do.
I would give myself the advice to take more honors classes. This is because honors classes have more work and make you find the answers on your own. I feel like this is most helpful when transferring to college english and medical courses.
Wow, if I knew what I know today three or four years ago I definitely would not have gone away to school. I would have lived at home while attending a community college. If I would have chosen this path I more than likely would not have been sick my whole freshman year and I would also be further along in my education then I am at this point. I also wish that I would have had a better back up plan. Just in case something happened, because something happened and I wasn't very prepared. Between me being really sick all the time and my dad deciding to stop paying for school my Mom and I had to make the decision to move me back home. By moving back home after being on my own at a University, I felt like I was taking a major step backwards. All the moving from school to school and classes changing really messed with my time line of when would graduate. In the end I'm where I should have been all along and I would have been here a lot sooner if I would have known what I know today.
If I were to go back in time to talk to myself as a senior, I would tell my self to get more involved into activites as a student. I would also would have saved a little more money for the experence of going to college. Hopfully to change my perception of what I thought college would be like. To me college is a little more relaxing and left to your own responsibility of your actions, but before my experence I thought college would be exactly like high school. I would also have tried to find an intrest in something to study for the two years of starting in a community college. The discipline is also something that I would have instilled in the way that I think of college. It is a little harder working and going to college all at the same time trying to make a living, and a career at the same time.
If I was given the chance to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would say that it's best to get focused now. Senior year is very critical for students planning to attend college. The teachers will begin distancing themselves to prepare you for what it will be lke in college. You really need to start depending on yourself more to get things done because in college it's completely up to you. The teachers want you to learn and eventually graduate but they're not going to hold your hand. So just start depending on yourself more because it's up to you whether you want to graduate college or not.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would encourage myself to go to college directly after high school. I graduated from high school and went directly into the Air Force. I would tell myself that it would be best for me to earn my four year degree and then enlist in the military as an Officer to earn more money and more respect. It is very challenging to earn your degree in the military if your hours are constantly changing or you are often being deployed. I was able to earn credits equivalent to a two year degree during my seven years of service because of the training I had in the military. Because of the route I decided to take, I was unable to have the experience that a regular college student would have going to college straight after high school. I will never know what it is like to live in a dorm, go to a party on campus, or join a sorority. I would tell myself to enjoy your youth while you can and don?t rob yourself from these experiences. Good Luck.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would have told me not to be so scared. I love being in college so much more than I loved high school. I love attending school with students who are just as eager to be there as I am. I have learned that it's okay to be unsure of what you want to do in life, and you can figure it out on the way. I would have reminded myself to prepare to work hard- harder than you've ever worked before. Learning doesn't come as easy anymore. I would tell myself to savor it, enjoy every moment, and seize every opportunity that's given to me.