Glendale Community College-Glendale, AZ Top Questions

What should every freshman at Glendale Community College-Glendale, AZ know before they start?


The best advice that I would be able to give myself is to inform myself of the endless possibilities that college has to offer. It took me years to pick up on some of the educational experiences, after school clubs, special events that college had to offer. When I first started my college experience I was so ignorant to the whole experience that I missed out on a lot the first year and a half. I would make sure that my senior self would start applying not only the educational experience of college myself, but to take advantage of the whole college experience and actively involve myself in as many different areas as possible. College is not just about the classes and the grades earned, college is about education and the only way to fully educate yourself is to expand your horizons. Learn through activities, go to special events, become an active member to clubs, educate yourself through your experiences along side your classes. This will not only make college a fun environment, but you'll receive as much education as possible throughout the years.


man highschool wasn't so good for me because i've moved so many times and knowing that i have lost a lot to learn. If i were to go back in time first i would make sure we wouldn't move so much and really it was my fault because of wanting to explore. my grades got the worst of me and i couldn't keep up. skipping within classes was my typical week and answering phone calls from school and recieving mail before my parents did kept me "safe" for a while. I would definitely do better with my grades and i bet that if i did my football career would be so great right now. and knowing that i would've had a scholarship. i just wish time can be reversed at times to fix mistakes in my past. I'm still trying to get to my University which will be cal Berkeley and will make my dreams come true and make my parents so proud of me. i just can't wait to see there faces; whoops kind of got of topic there, but if i were to recieve this scholarship it'll help lots.. thanks


If I was able to go back in time and tell myself something helpful I would say two different things one of which would be to apply for a lot of scholarships to get college payed for and also try to live the healthiest lifestyle possible. When going into college I had the impression that I would be able to just work my way through college not completely understanding the entire cost of college and other expenses that go with it. And also i would tell myself not to take my health for granted for in high school i was a fairly healthy average joe but after I graduated I started to have highly elevated blood pressure from the bad eating and sleeping lifestyle I had all throughout high school. Now I have to go through college and work while being on a heart regulator. Choices I made in my transition to college would have changed by excercising more and eating better for now I am limited in my college experience.


After completing my first semester as a college student, I would have many tips to give myself if I was able to go back in time. First of all, I would start off with teaching myself self discipline. I would have told myself the importance of maintaining good grades, good study habits, and in being involved. I would advise myself to learn how to handle stress so that it wouldn't get the best of me. Success is something that you create and work for yourself and as a person with many goals, advice should always be taken. Another piece of advice i would give myself is to always give thanks and not to take anything for granted. Everything good should be considered a blessing and never thought of as something that you deserve. I would have many tips to give myself if I was given the opportunity to go back in time.


If I could go back to my senior self I would tell myself to avoid procrastination, set up a savings, and always set my priorities before anything else. As a senior I was working partime and now knowing the expenses of college I would have definately put some money aside in a savings just for books. I do get by but not as much as I would if I started my savings three years ago instead of now. However, I would have also told myself not to pracrastinate with scholarships and to do every eligible scholarship that was available to me. Also, when it come to my priorities versus my social life I would have put aside fun after the more important things like my assignments and bill payments and that young as I was it is never okay to start any sort of debt. I'm now catching up but it would have saved me a lot of grief if I used my credit wisely.


The best thing I could tell myself as a senior in high school would be to not worry about going to a prestigious 4-year university during the beginning of my college experience. I would tell myself that there is plenty of time to study and improve without needing to go to an expensive college, and that sometimes cheap prices doesn't always mean a cheap education. I would also remind myself not to get caught up in the frustration and dramas of college, and to learn to relax early on and enjoy the experience. I would also urge myself to take advantage of all the opportunities college has to offer. There is so much more available to me now than what high school could offer.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice as a high school senior I would tell myself to take college more seriously. I would inform myslef that I needed to find a career where I could use my full potential and to start looking for that career as soon as possible. I would tell myself to apply to all the schools that could provide the best bridge to get me to the beginning of that career. I would most importantly let myself know that there are many scholarships out there for high school seniors. If I took the time to look around and apply to all the ones that pertain to me I could have gone to just about any school I wanted. I would tell myself to always get ahead at the beginning of each course and to always consult the teacher before I bought the book for his/her class. Finally I would tell myself to make friends with all my classmates, face my fears and problems head on, and never take short cuts.


If could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to prepare for college and apply for scholarships to universities that could give me a full-ride. I would also tell myself to actually pick a university to attend, because at that time I was not sure where I wanted to go. I had barely any direction and did not know where to really start. I would tell myself to go to the counselors for help and guidance when it came to college and scholarships. I would emphasize very clearly to myself that volunteer work, community service and extracurricular activities are actually very important when it comes to applying to schools and for scholarships, so I should start volunteering and joining extracurricular activities. I actually really wish I could go back and tell myself all those things so I could have been better prepared for life and the hardships of the lack of finances to pay for school.


Tara, don't go to school for Music Education! Your calling is in the medical field, if you do go to UW, try your hardest to get into the Nursing program. That means you won't have to do marching band, it was a miserable experience and you will hate every moment. Don't worry about Andy, he will be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} behind you, no matter what you do, he may not move with you, but, he loves you no matter what! Study hard, you will get through it, watch how you spend money....and always, ALWAYS balance your checkbook!!!! You will be a great nurse, and make a ton of money, I wish I had the chance to speak to my future self...becasue now life is hard, and going to school is even harder, but like I am telling you now, study hard you will get through it, and be much happier for it!!! And oh almost forgot! STAY AWAY FROM WALDEN, it will suck you back in and youll never get out!


I would tell myself to make sure to keep the same academic patterns that I kept through high school. It is easy to get wrapped up in the simplicity of community college and how easy the classes are. Make sure to keep applying yourself. Even though the beginning of college is all about the general required classes, open your mind to the knowledge being shared through these classes, even though they might not be in your future career field. Also, do not think that community college is still high school. The transition from high school to community college is not that different, in fact Glendale Community College North is pretty much high school all over again. Stay strong and realize that community college is saving you money and is only for the first two years.