Gonzaga University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Gonzaga University accurate?


No everyone at Gonzaga is welcoming and friendly


Gonzaga is a Jesuit university, so it is Roman Catholic, but most of the time, you don't even notice. The students here are of a wide variety of faiths and some are atheist. You are required to take religious courses, but only three and they're usually enlightening anyway.


Absolutely not! Gonzaga is filled with people who have passion and joy for others. Some are Catholic, some are Protestant, some are Agnostic, some are black, some are white, some are everywhere in between. We may not have a lot of diversity, but that is not due to a snobbish superior mentality, for Gonzaga students truely care about all people. This idea is practiced regularly in our community service and in our everyday lives.


Partially, I am not that way but is hard to meet other students that I have common interests with.


Well, most of the kids there are pretty wealthy since it's a private school, but there's still plenty of partying that goes on. If you wanna study and relax, you can. If you wanna have fun and go to parties, you can. GU's not as uptight as it sounds.




All of the stereotypes that I had or have heard of for Gonzaga have all been proven wrong, other than the students that attend Gonzaga are bright students who are dedicated to their work. Other than that I would say that the stereotypes of Gonzaga and its students are not accurate by any means.


These stereotypes are remarkably accurate. Most students and faculty members I have encountered have all been very passionate about the school, and involved due to a sense of religious obligation (and yes, socialists as well).


You will find these types of students at ANY college, but the cool thing is, you will also find a great group of friends that are just like you! You might find them right away, or it might take awile, but believe me they are there!


Pretty Much