Governors State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Governors State University know before they start?

Hong Van

I will pick up the book Hacking College and strat reading. It gives me the idea of what college is about.


Stop procrastinating. It's a horrible hobby, regardless of the fact that youre efficient at it. Spend more time learning enhancing your skill set even though you already spend countless hours devoted to your passion. Stay away from relationships, you'll just waste more time that you could be spending bettering yourself. Focus on finishing the programming of your game Final Salvation, because there is a lot of revenue to be earned from followers. Continue work on your Youtube videos as a means of attempting to make an impact on the programming community. Start saving early, you'll always need more money than you can dish out for your main University. Don't let anything stop you from creating your own world through programming and influencing a child just like you were in the past. This is your dream. This is your world. Nothing in life is worth more than completing that goal. Good Luck.


If I was able to speak to myself when I was a high school senior, i would have told myself to take community courses as well as to find more scholarships so that i would be better set on going to college.


The most thing that I've gotten out of school a sense sellf esteem. I know now that the sky is the limit, when it comes to my education." I realized that I can do all things through Christ that strengths me. " My education is so valuable to me, because my mother and brother never finished high school nor even thought about college. My mother a schizophrenic and my brother has a Post Traumatic Sydrome. I've had a horrific childhood. I'm a single parent of four girls, and I want to be an example to my daughters. I want them to know anything is possible , if they only believe in themselves. I want to break the generational cycle that has plague my family, for years. Yes my education is very valuable to me, to let my next future genration know that they can fly if they only believe.


Being a college student makes me feel as if i can achieve anthing I want. Going to college has opened a lot of oppurtunities for me that only college students can have. I am able to recieve assistance with just about anything weather its finacial assistance, academic assistance, or personal issues. the best part about attending college is knowing that i will be able to set my standards higher for life and live better.


College to me is more than a piece of paper. I know first-hand the hardships one must endure without a higher education. I grew up in a lower middle class family with long line of blue collar workers; where college was never mentioned or an option. I never made it through High School; situations beyond my control prevented it. Fortunately, I was given a second chance when marring my current husband. I recently graduated with my Associates degree with a 3.7 GPA; the first in my family to achieve this, thus breaking the cycle. Chances are if I had not left the small town, I would never have realized there is more to live than in the “box”. Attending college has given me self-esteem, personal satisfaction, social change, a greater quality of life, a legacy for my children, and the potential for increased income. I have never regretted my decision of attending college ,I have seen myself grow. I am working on my Bachelors’ degree, with hopes to someday obtain my Master’s degree. We need to encourage higher education to continue the American Dream, if you believe it, you can achieve it!


Having a college degree sets you aside from others whom never experienced college. Whether it be a Community College, or a University; on-campus or off, to be a part of the experience is something no one can ever take away from me. Not only have I gotten a Bachelors in Pshychology, I've also obtained an Elemantary Education Certificate. I have learned not only from my professors, but from my fellow students as well. To learn of different ethnicities and backrounds , no matter how different from my own, has enlightened me and I've grown as a person because of it. From initiallly taking my pre-requisite coursework and being excited just to begin college, to finishing with my B.A. in Psychology, in retrospect has been a tremendous accomplishment. I have been fortunate to have learned of culture, diversity, arts, the proper use of the English language, most of which was due to going to college. I work in an establishment where I meet people daily that know nothing of any of these, which makes me feel that much more blessed and fortunate to have taken advantage of the oportunities provided me.


I have often asked myself this question now that I am older and have been through this ordeal. As a senior in high school I was push to pursue a college education just as most students are. My counselors told me that attending a university was the best thing to do. Listening to that was not what was best for me. Although my first year of college was a good experience , it was over rated. It was a waste of time and money to me as I look back. Most students that enter college and don't really know what they want or have a plan as to what they want. Going from high school to college is a major shock, you begin to really discover yourself. By me not recieving any financial aid, really made it hard for me to continue to attend UIC. So from there I went to a community college for two years and recieved my A.A.S. in Paralegal Studies. Now I'm pursing my Bachelor's Degree in Business at GSU. My best advice would be to first figure out a master plan to follow, then research the best school for you!!!


I would say-HEY you get your education now and dont wait until you have children and struggle for the degree. If you attend now, you can earn your degree sooner than the 20 years you been waiting for it. Plus if you attend now, you would have to worry about the additional subjects that you would need to take years down the road. School always add other classes to the list to graduate and if you do it now, you wouldnt have to worry about that. Its not as hard as you think it is to attend college, people are there to help you, what ever comes you way, they are there for you. All you have to do is ask, there is no stupid question.