Grand Valley State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Grand Valley State University know before they start?


My college experience has not been a generic one. I began college at Michigan State University. While I was there for one semester, it just did not feel "right". There was something that was not fitting about that campus. When I switched to Grand Valley at semester, I found not only another college, but a home. Grand Valley was warm and welcoming. The people there helped me learn that not everyone is cut-throat when it comes to their future and being best. I've learned that cooperating with others to acheive a goal is sometimes better than being "number one" and beating everyone. I have also learned to get over my small town mindset, thinking that my problems are the biggest and worst. My problems are nothing compared to most people and especially compared to the conflicts in the world. College has taught me a lesson that most people never learn: I am not the most important person in the world and my problems will not stop the world from spinning. I have finally learned to put others above myself.


College has given me a sense of responsability that I did not know in high school. The transition from high school to college was a difficult one for me. After I finished my first year, I realized that I needed to be a lot more resposible with my work and take my classes a lot more seriously. I've learned that in college you have to be ready to do things on your own. The instructors are not going to be giving out chances as they might have in high school. Also the instructors are not as flexible, you must always be able to meet deadlines. For me, the college expirience has been difficult and stressful, but as I go into my second year, I now realize what I need to do in order to be more successful and have the type of grades I know I can have. I value the first year because it was a learning expirience and it allowed me to realize what it takes to be successful in college.


I have not yet attended but I have been there many times visiting and because my sister went there. I would ask her and her friends what they would love best about the school and they would talk on and on about everything. How nice the professors are and how they'll actually do one on one time with you if you need it instead of how other universities the professor leaves you stranded and expects you to learn everything yourself. I've seen the dorms and they're well kept and a large size fully equipped with air condidtioning and heat, the people there are all very friendly and it's the perfect place to be, I couldn't imagine attending another college.


During my stay at the community college I attended, I not only recieved strong skills and teaching tools in the music education field, but also myriad life lessons from astounding teachers and faculty in the music department. I learned more than just how to play instruments and what music is; rather, I learned how to really teach and reach out to my future students. The true value in my experience there is in the sharing of personal experiences of the teachers who went through the problems I will face in the future. I listened to the mistakes and successes accomplished by these professionals and took their advice and tips so as to not make the mistakes and make myself a better teacher. However, what is more important, is make the experience for my future students in music be as valuable and entertaining as it was for me when i was in their shoes.


My college experience has made me realize who I am as a person. For example, while attending college I became apart of GVSU's Women's Swim Team. I thought this would be good because I would meet new people and have a great time competiting, but I didn't expect the amount of peer pressure to drink and party. This peer influence was a test on who I was as a person and my morals. I thought about the consequences of my actions if I were to do what everyone else was doing, and I realized that it wasn't worth the risk. I chose not to party or drink and as a result I wasn't always accepted by some of the swimmers on the team. It was hard for a few months, but I worked very hard on my grades and focused on swimmming. As a result, I maintained the Dean's List for both the fall and winter semesters, made it on the GVSU National Swim Team, and earned the respect of more of the swimmers. Overall, the experience was valuable because I learned to never to change who you are for others.


I've learned that college is the preparation for life, almost like highschool. No one is there to hold your hand and say what path you should be taking in your life. College will always be there to better yourself by continuing to achieve your future career expectations. Personally, I've learned that you must put your best foot forward even when you feel like you fell short in your education. There is still a chance for you to come back no matter what age you are. Although, their is a chance to do so don't waste your finances on something you're not sure of pursuing. My experience was triumphantly a bittersweet educational experience of exploring who I am as a student as well as a person.


I love to work with animals and the program I am taking is letting me do just that. I learn so much in the past 6 weeks of attending the school. I've learned how to be more productive and how to manage my time.


I have gotten a well rounded education so far and I am starting to be able to tell how everything fits together. I want to be an accountant and I had to take a philosophy class. I did not understand why I would have to take this class since it has nothing to do with accounting, but to my unbelief it did relate to accounting. It related because I had to learn about ethics and a topic I wrote on was business ethics and it fit perfectly with accounting on why it is wrong to embezzle money and why it is wrong to make it seem like the company is doing fine, when it is really going bankrupt, like with Enron. I still am not a fan of taking some of the general education classes, but I know they will make me a more rounded person and I am already beginning to see the results.


I never needed college to find myself or to make lifelong friends. I came in for a college degree. What I have actually gotten so far is an experience that has not defined me exactly, but has assisted in the process. Being a student is fantastic, and being surrounded by my peers is amazing. Living on campus has been part of my positive experience. In college I am exposed to students from all over the world and all over the US, and there are people from such different backgrounds than my own. I would likely never have had this kind of interaction because as we beome older, it becomes difficult to find opportunities to be around people drastically different from ourselves. I am here ultimatly for my education, but as Mark Twain said "never let school get in the way of your education." Had i attended a community college or a less active campus, I would still get my degree and probably be just fine. However, at Grand Valley, I have been able to learn on a whole new level, from programs, lectures, and diversity offered on my campus.


While attending college, I believe I have been able to open my eyes to the world around me. Growing up in a small town, which went by the name of Oakville with only about 800-1000 people included, I never really realized what the world had to offer. Experiencing the world of a college student, I have been able to meet new people, open up to others as well as be surrounded by students just like me in their purse to concur their educational goals. Community college is my stepping stone which will lead to the University of my Dreams. Centralia community holds value to me, for it has offered tremendous help in my education path which has helped me to get where I am today. College is the key to success which I will fulfill to my fullest until my goal is reached.