Grand Valley State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Grand Valley State University know before they start?


I have gotten a good basis to go out and develop a career in engineering. Since I like science and math I have really enjoyed all of the interesting things that I have been able to learn about the world that we live in.


Since I have been at Joliet Junior College, I have been able to create works of art that I never thought I could create or even think of. I had decided when I entered college to get an Associates Degree in Art, but I didn't have any confidence in my artistic abilities because I only took 1 art foundations class in High School. But with alot of hard work, thinking, patience, art supplies and 3 semesters later, I am confident in my artistic abilities now more than ever, and I am proud that say that i am an Artist.


College is one of the most fascinating and valuable investments I have ever made. It taught me about diversity and responsibility and to be an adult. One of the most important experiences I have gained from college is learning to coexist with people who are different than me. I went into college with a narrow view of the world around me. Now, I am more of a participant rather than a viewer of society. I can be more of a team player instead of the proverbial island. A higher education has also helped me to grow personally, in a way that would have otherwise been impossible. Because of college, I am more mature and responsible. I learned to appreciate the help and counseling I received in high school and lower grades. My preconceived idea of college led me to believe it would be similar to my experience in high school, but now I know better. When I started attending college, I had to make my own choices and follow through with responsibilities such as homework that I needed to do. I am ready and confident to take on the challenges I face after college and live life to the fullest.


My college experience has been a very good one so far. When you come to college a person learns a lot about ones self. A person also learns how to become a young adult. While in college you don't have your mom or dad come around and say "do this or do that". You have to fight your own battles and don't have the security of your house or parents under there when you get in trouble. By far the best thing about being in college is that you learn about different situations and how to handle them as an adult. Also learn the fine line between work and play.


The experience is one of a kind. The descovery to your future can be found in this place. Although it takes time, hard work and money, at the end it will pay off.


My college experience has been intresting. I have learned so much about myself and my family. In high school I was not elidgible for scholorships that were presented to me, yet my parents were considered making to much money for financial aid, however they couldn't afford to send me to school out of pocket. My great aunt however, having no children of her own, stepped up and has been paying for my school since then. I am hoping to make things a little bit easier for her. Attending college and having her pay for it, has made me want to work even harder in school so she does not feel as if she is wasting her time. I have learned how hard of a worker I can be when I put my mind to it.


I have made new friends and attainded an excellent education so far. It is not only worth all of the knowledge and the degree I am going to get, but Grand Valley has also helped me become a better person that is more involved in things outside of the classroom. It has also taught me important skills that will help me in many other areas of my life, such as research and study skills.


I have learned many new ideas about college. I realized that is important to get a college degree in order to be successful. My college experience is very interesting because I have seen the world in my mind. Even though I have not traveled the world actually but reading the books and seeing the pictures that are in the books… I have seen the world. I also know it is important to get an education because in this world there are limited jobs available. The value that I have gotten from attending college is that I am learning more about life and what is expected from me to be a success. When attending college a person learns that their beliefs have to be placed aside in order to learn different aspects of life. I am very grateful that my college gives me the chance to be a part of student agriculture. I am experiencing things that most people will not have a clue about unless they attend school. It is best to know much as possible in the world and college is opening up new insight. The greatest value is to make my family proud.


Even though I am only a freshman at Grand Valley State University, I'v learned a great deal about my life and what I want to do in my life. When came to G.V.S.U I thought I wanted to be a computer programmer, but as I took my first class here I realized that I want to be on more of the business side of computers. Being a student and a football player here at Grand Valley has proven to be difficult. It has showed me how valuable my time is and not to waste it because I will not be able to get my homework done. This college has taught me how to leave my comfort zone of home, and go out into the world to meet new people and experience life without my family. I believe for this reason alone that G.V.S.U is such a valuable school to attend because they have many clubs that you can get involved in to meet many different kinds of people. I have realized being able to communicate with different backgrounds of kids other than yourself is vital if you want to succeed in the workforce.


In the last 2 years of collge. I learnt to be more independent and also I learnt more about our society. Things such as how to get alone with people and how to plan ahead of my time. I started to approach new things. Classes like communication, Ethics. They've shown me a new perspective towards the world. I am also a math and Chinese tutor at school. Education is somewhere I always considered going into, this helps me practice my teaching skills, and I love working with people and help them solving all kinds of problems. The education is actually worth something. I can feel that I can use the terms we talked about in class in the real life and feeling intelligent. Especially, as an international student, I learnt to live without the shelter of my parents. I want to be able to make the most of my life. Even though, starting to feel the pressure of reality. I still Love life. I learnt to appreciate things that are happening around me everyday. In one words, Bad things happen, but life is still AWSOME!