The distance from my house
There is honestly no fault that I have found yet in Grove. The work is hard yes but I am gaining such a large wealth of knowledge that the difficulty pails in comparison to my excitement in learning.
I would say the worst thing is the dorms. They are small, very crowded and several of the buildings have old furniture.
The worst part about this school in total honesty is the location. In Grove City, the weather is always terrible. There may be 3 or 4 days of sunshine, but usually its always raining, snowing, or overcast. It gets frustrating sometimes.
Unfortunately, Grove City College's comfortably small size has a negative implication. Its small size contributes to a lack of diversity. While diversity is often treated like an intangible ideal thrown around with no real applicable meaning, the lack of diversity at Grove City leads to a certain amount of rigidity of thought on campus. Overwhelmingly white, conservative, and Christian, it is hard for Grovers to reach outside their self-contained world to understand and discuss important issues with people who don't hold their worldview or opinions.
Possibly the biggest issue I have with Grove City is its lack of diversity. The college has even been facetiously named "The Bubble" because of it's predominantly white, conservative, middle-class student body. However, because I live on Long Island, New York I have plenty of opportunity for interacting with people of different backgrounds, so this is not a huge drawback for me. Otherwise, I honestly don't feel there are many things that I could dislike about Grove City. Even the cafeteria food is quite good!
Held in too long before Christmas break!
I think the worst part of Grove City College is the overwhelming pressure and feeling like you are trapped in a bubble at times. The campus is rather secluded from the outside world and though the community on campus is great, after awhile you just really need to break free of the bubble. There is a lot of pressure on my campus for academic success and to find your future spouse. These two pressures combined can be overbearing at times, but nonetheless, it is a growing experience which one can certainly benefit from.
Not being permitted to live off campus unless living with a parent.
No public transportation.