Grove City College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Grove City College? Why?


It's really challenging and not extremely diverse.


They approach the students like children. They do not do enough to encourage internship. My GPA is lower than it would be at any other school because grades are uninflated.


Some majors are overcrowded. For example, there were 40 students who needed to take COMP220 for their major, but only 30 seats in the class. They were all jammed into the class, but the number of the students reduced the quality of the class. This sort of thing is common across the science majors. Biology is particularly full.


Socially awkard; Extremely difficult academically; Hard core judgemental conservatives; not open to new ideas; asshole security team


It is in cold Western PA and the population is not very diverse. It isn't very close to a major city.


The amount of stress from academic work is really high. "A" average students in high school generally start out with a "C" average their freshman year here.


Very stringent on rules- even when a situation may better be served without the rule


Being so academically intense, my campus has quite a way of breeding perfectionism. With perfectionism comes all sorts of other issues, like depression (often resulting from diminished self esteem), eating disorders, and the like. Although I view academic competition to be a good and healthy thing, I wish that campus faculty and staff would be more attentive to the fact that students are often responding in unhealthy ways to the level of stress generated by said competition.


The christians on campus (which, visibly anyways, was everyone) were so concerned with putting on the facade of perfection, morally, academically, socially, economically that , knowing my own imperfections, i found it hard to relate outside of my immediate group of friends who were also concerned with the facade of perfection.