Hamilton College Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Hamilton College accurate?


The stereotype is somewhat accurate. You will definitely get kids who are really preppy and shop exclusively at J Crew, but that is not true of everyone. I don't think there is one typical Hamilton student; there is a huge variety of interests, backgrounds, and personalities.


Depending on whether you are living on the light side or dark side, yes.


we're definitely not known for our sports (but mens soccer and womens field hockey do pretty well) and several of our students do fall into the preppy stereotype but no where near all of the students on campus fit that description


Not really, no. I generally found a ton of personal and ideological diversity on both sides of campus. I think the stereotype largely arose from the difference in architecture.


1) This is so far from the truth. We have a fair number of vineyard vine wearing yacht club members, but the same can be said about flannel donning hipster types. I also do not think that you will find the same ratio and spectrum of students at most NESCAC colleges. 2) If anything, I'd say we lean to the left. We finally just got our first Conservative student newspaper. Professors are also very liberal - but that's pretty standard in education these days. In my experience, it has never hindered discussion in the classroom. Professors are pretty good leaving their opinions out of lectures.


Not especially. While there are plenty of wealthy students and students from New England, 49 states and almost as many countries are represented. Scholarship rewards are generous, and less than half the students actually pay the listed tuition. There is also a great deal of socioeconomic diversity just below the surface.


Some students are preppy; most are not. We are, however, a rather homogenous group. Hamilton is trying to attract a greater diversity of students but it can be hard to entice people to Clinton, NY. It is quite rural. And the winters are harsh.


While a lot of students (especially those from the East Coast) did attend prep schools, Hamilton has a high percentage of international students (for example, I have friends from Nepal, South Africa, Lebanon, Pakistan, China & Paraguay just to name a few) who help even out the general attitude of the campus.


pretty much.


Yes. It's sad.