The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Hamilton College is 26%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What is your overall opinion of this school?
Though there have been several recent controversies at the school, mostly stemming from the political climate amidst the faculty and administration, the trustees are beginning to be aware and take action. At this point, the administration needs to have greater responsibility and transparency, which would solve many existing problems over allocation of funds (for example). I am, however, optimistic about the school's future progress. The redeeming quality in all this is the sincere interest of faculty members in getting to know their students. The size of the school is obviously conducive to familiarity and comfort, which in turn enriches the learning environment. The involvement of professors on campus-- as well as their willingness to offer their knowledge, time, and even their homes-- attests to the sense of community that we have here.
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What is the stereotype of students at your school?
Hamilton students are known to be preppy, nyc-trust fund, private school children who take advantage of the college experience by drinking as much as possible before they have to go onto the real world to hold jobs on wall street provided by their family connections.
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Is the stereotype of students at your school accurate?
Largely, yes. Hamilton is also proud to surpass the Ivy League and the Little Ivies in terms of the sheer attractiveness of the student body.
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What are the academics like at your school?
Classes are generally small once you get past the 40-person intro-level courses. There's a stover emphasis on critical writing and discussion than fact retention, which is evident in how classes are run and grades are determined. Most courses involve writing a few formal papers, generally between 4 and 10 pages long, as well as some blog entries or other informal writing assignments. Class presentations are not uncommon. The bulk of classes involve discussion of reading assignments, though depending on the professor, you might get more lecture based lessons. Tests are usually short-answer and essay heavy, though, again, it depends on the professor. There are a few blow-off classes, but ultimately you're going to have to work hard for most classes. This is a school where most students had straight As and tons of APs in high school, but Bs and Cs are not uncommon or even frowned upon - in most classes, if you get a B, you worked HARD and learned a lot. Professors are tough, but because they want to give you the best education possible. They will go out of their way to meet with you and give you advice if you reach out to them. Hamilton is the school that Ivy League professors go when they want to really teach students, not just send in a grad student TA while they do research. Bottom line: you will work hard here, but you will also learn a ton in terms of information AND ways of thinking and writing which will stick with you throughout your life.
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Describe the students at your school.
Most students are athletic, friendly, very intelligent, partiers, and from upper-middle class families.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Athletics are very popular as well as Greek organizations. However, there is no necessity to join any of these groups in order to fit in. As I said before, any type of person would be able to make friends with similar people to themselves.
Interestingly enough, there is no such thing as dating at Hamilton College. This may be due to the fact that the school is so small. Or maybe because this is the norm at all colleges nowadays, but most students treat exclusive relationships like the plague-- they avoid them AT ALL COSTS. To most (especially guys) there is nothing worse than a hookup becoming too attached or emotionally involved. These types of situations usually end badly because one party will invariably ignore the other until that person gets the hint.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
very community oriented
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What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Find the college that fits. I applied to Hamilton on a whim and when I got in, I looked at it further. On the internet it seemed great and once I visited, I was thrilled, but it wasn't that way for all colleges though. There was one college I won't name that just made me feel uncomfortable. Also, look for paid visits. Several schools will give a small travel stipend to accepted students. For example, one school paid for airfare, rental car, and hotel room for both my mother and I while I was there. Good luck!
Read all 41 answers
Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
Hamilton is a small school with a great community and an amazing education.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Outgoing, not afraid to get involved or meet people different than themselves. Self-motivated, you will have a lot of work and need to learn how to budget your time so you can still have fun.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about Hamilton is the overreliance on alumni opinion. Because we have such a large endowment, often times older, conservative alumni make decisions because they give money. They are great people and do great things for the campus and students, but at times they are a little out of touch with the current campus climate.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best things about Hamilton is probably the opportunities and learning environment the school provides. There are numerous opportunities for reseach positions and fellowships. Class discussion, critical reading, and learning to write are key aspects of the Hamilton academic experience. Teachers are engaging, and students are friendly. Hamilton is great!
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
The stereotypical Hamilton student is a rich, preppy white kid who went to private boarding schools their whole life. While there are some of these, there are also a fair number of non-boarding school kids. There is an exorbitant number of North Face jackets and LL Bean boots on campus, but getting into Hamilton requires a high enough level of academic achievement that most students are well versed in reflection and seeking out alternative perspectives to their own. The artsy, geeky dark-siders especially tend to scorn this stereotype and emphasize individual self-expression and non-mainstream tastes.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
Research Writing and Public Speaking. For having a strong Alumni support system
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
academic quality
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
This isn't a school for people who don't want to work for their success. The work you put in will correlate to the success you attain. Also, the school is not very handicap accessible. Most of the historic buildings don't have elevators. Oh, and no air conditioning either, but that's not really an issue since it doesn't normally require it.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
that there are crepes for brunch
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
That we don't have a grad school here.
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Why did you decide to go to this school?
The greatest thing about Hamilton, which made me decide to come here, is the great community feel on campus. It is a wonderful group of people, and we have a very open, inclusive student body. We have a very tight knit community here--it is a great place to spend four years.
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Tell us about the sports scene on campus.
Hamilton's last three seasons of fun and general pandemonium
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