A Message From Your Future Self
The future is a wild and wonderful thing. You are happy, healthy and whole. You are also 37 and still in college, and that is why you need to carefully consider the following advice:
?Never choose a major out of spite.
?Aptitude tests do not measure workplace happiness.
?The pizza will be gone tomorrow, but credit card debt lasts forever.
?There is no shame in hard work.
?Steve will break your heart. Let him.
?It?s okay to change your mind, your direction and your attitude.
?Ask for help when you need it, and accept it when it?s offered.
?You will become your mother, so go easy on her.
?Some challenges are meant to embraced, not overcome.
?No one is really looking at your hair.
?Speak as if everyone can hear you, because eventually they will.
?You mirror the people you judge.
?It is impossible to earn hundreds of dollars a week stuffing envelopes from home.
?It?s never too late to start over.
be more determined on writing essays, and really look in to more colleges and visit them before you go to get a btter feel of where you want to be. Also, apply to as many colleges that you think would benefit you!
When talking to myself as a high school senior I would stress learning how to study...really study! Studying is such an important part of college that high school students do not realise because most students, like myself, just got by in high school off their natural "smarts". Secondly, I would tell myself to make connections with as many people as possible who work in the field that I anticipate working in and stay connected with them...these people are awesome resources that will be able to help me understand course material and also connect me with someone who may be able to help me find a job after completing college. In addition, I would say SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, there are so many expenses, expected and unexpected that college brings and you need to be in the best financial situation possible. And lastly, I would tell myself to take advantage of the resources offered to me whether at my school (counselors, teachers) or on the internet (fastweb, school website...etc). Before ending the conversation with myself it would then be necessary for me to say to myself "now repeat to me everything I just told you"!
Hey you! Yeah, you over there! What are you so nervous about? College? Believe me, you?ll do fine. Remember to love yourself for who you are and to be confident in your abilities. I know there is a lot of competition in college, especially at Hampton University, but don?t count yourself out before trying. Remember, words without actions are meaningless. I hope you?re listening because the next point is really important. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. I know you work well under pressure, but too much pressure can become unbearable. Managing your time well will save you a lot of stressful nights of staring at your computer screen. You might think it will tell you what to type, but it won?t happen. Remember to stay focused and enjoy college. You will discover what you want out of life and what it takes to attain success. Continue to push yourself for greatness, and believe me, you?ll achieve it.
If i were to go back in time i would be very helpful to informing myself about the college transition. The college experience is basically what u make it. The fact that u have more freedom in college than high school means u have to be responsible and make the best decisions that benifit you. That would include studying the appropriate amount of time to know your information. Having a good balance on school work and your social life and just having fun enjoying life. Your college experience should be some of the best times of your life because of the friends you can meet and the fact that you dont need to have a career at this time. To sum it up i would tell myself to be smart and make the best decisions possible because these times will effect the rest of your life.
The advice that I would give myself is to really be dedicated to the schoolwork that is given in college. The semesters go by so fast so to be organized is a necessity. Time management is also something to look out for while in college. It is important to manage your time wisely and learn to prioritize, work comes first, then you can have all the fun you want. I would also tell myself to expect the unexpected and get the information for myself. Things aren't handed to you in college, so my job is to go out and get it. I would also look for more scholarships. I'd want to help my mother as much as I possibly could because she's raising me by herself and she's trying to put me through college and I feel it's my obligation to help her. Lastly, I would advise myself to always be optimistic and keep a positive attitude even when things get rough. I am first generation college student in my family, so I should be proud of my accomplishments and make my mom proud!
Looking back on my senior year in high school i would utilize my available outside resources more and increase the amount of scholarships i applied for. Many students, along with myself, don't think about the financial change a college student is destined to encounter. Being in college now i see that my senior year in high school would have been the perfect time to apply for many scholarships. Although writing essays can be time consuming and tedious it benefits me in the long run. Another aspect i would recommend myself to improve on my senior year in high school is using outside resources. In highschool education is free and is the perfect time to explore the career path i choose to take. Overall I believe that i did well in high school but these steps would have increased my success in college.
Knowing what I know about college at this point, when talking to myself as a high school student, I would tell myself to remain focused and continue to work hard. I slacked off a lot during my first semester of college, when I should have stayed on the ball and continued the good habits I had established in high school. I would tell myself to stay out of petty drama and into my school books. I often let myself become consumed by things that I cannot even remember right now; thus displaying their importance. I would tell myself that I need to think my decisions through carefully, and network and plan my days, weeks, and months out. All these things that I would have told myself would have stuck in my head and made me a better student last semester. I now tell myself all of these things, hoping to do much better in this upcoming semester.
College is a wonderful learning experience. Freedom from home, financial responsibility, and adjusting to the curriculum are challenges that present itself. The lessons and lectures from various family members will aid in this transition to this new life. However, there are just a few more lessons needed to fully suceed in your first year of college and beyond. Scholarships search, please begin now. This will make life very easy in the future. Various financial issues will cause a disturbance in your education, so scholarship searching will nip this problem in the bud. In addition, improve your study habits. Adjusting to the college exams was difficult at first, but to avoid this issue, apply the study tips received during the AP classes and apply them. These two problems can be fixed now that I have forewarned. Thank me later, when you are successful.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, one specific key of advice I would give myself would be to have good time management. When you're in high school teachers are constantly making sure that students have what they need and are staying on task. When you enter college the safety net is removed. You have to be very responsible because you are not going to school all day as in high school. When in college your class times vary and to be a diligent student you have to know how to manage your time well in order to have a healthy balance of your academic life as well as a social life.
Another key piece of advice would be to develop good study habits. Most college courses require an extra 2-3 hours of study time outside of the classroom. This requires time management and discipline. These two methods of time management and developing good study habits go hand in hand. These two methods will not only aid students in academia but also prepare them for the work force and other future career goals.