Hampton University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Hampton University know before they start?


Visit the school before attending and balance your social and academic life.


As a sophmore now, i look back on the choices I made as far as looking for the "perfect match college." There are several things that I would like to do diferently if I had the oppurtunity. I feel as I write this messge, in a way this is my "do over" oppurtunity, because I can help another student just like me. To be honest there is no perfect college but there is a college that may benifit a student better then the next. First start looking early junior year for the right college. I understand junior year is a critical year, but get all the hard stuff out at one time. Next decide what kind of area you would likelive in. Whether its the city,country or ocean that surrounds you, make sure it is convient to live in. Following this choose a school that has a lot to offer especially if you are undecided as far as a major. The most important of them all double check with schools constantly to make sure they have recived all your paper work. As far as making the most of college, MANGE your time, a new surrounding can be overbearing.


Parents: It takes time so be patient, dont pressure your child, do not try to relive your life through your child. Keep you and your childs best interest at heart while college searching. Since it is hard to let go and you constantly worry the best thing you could do is be your child's supportive factor because that will help them through their college experience. Students: Choose the college that best fits you not just the one that all your friends want to go to. College searching is very important since too many undergraduates drop out of college or transfer because they hate their school. In order to make the most of your experience in college you must be focused and remember why you came to college because college is all about what you make of it. Don't let anyone determine how you will like school because their experiences won't necessarily be yours.


it is so vital that you are educated about each and every aspect of your school. i would say the best option is go and visit perhaps your top three choices. take a look at the social life. visit a class room. when you do go to college its important to BALANCE everything. dont be too caught up in your work where your social life is non exisitent. and dont be too caught with your social life where your grades suffer. college is truly what u make it. and have fun! dont stress, be smart and just be yourself. you'll make friends in college that you will have for LIFE.


When finding the right colege, it is very important to do reseach about the school, you need to know about it academically and culturally. The smallest thing can make or break your colege experience so make sure that you visit the campus, and see the perspective dorms/place you will be staying. Talk to students who aren't your guides, and falculty in your perspective school/department. Ask all the questions you can think of no matter how trivial or small they may seem. When making the most of your college experience, reach out to others, including upperclassmen and especially the falculty and any administration. Kepp a copy of every form, record and reciept so if anything does go wrong you have physical proof to back up your side. Even if you are a morning person don't sechdule any classes before 9am and if you can do don't schedule any classes after 4pm. Treat school like work, devote 7-8 hours to school Mon. - Fri. and you will have a balanced work load and alot more time than your peers for fun. Be active and join as many clubs as you're interested in academic or otherwise.


First of all, make sure the school has the major that your child wants to major in and that school has plenty of extracirricular activities to choose from. Also, it is better if your child gets involved on campus or they might not like the college, so many kids from my University transferred because they did not get involved.


college is the best time of your life, enjoy every minute of it and do what makes you and your family happy.


College is what you make of it! I know the preceding statement sounds clich?, but it is the whole-hearted truth. A student can pick his/her "perfect", however if they choose not to be involved in various extra-curricular activities on campus most likely they will have a miserable college experience. For instance, my freshman year I was not as involved as I should have been. As a result, my freshman year was only okay. In order to have the ideal college experience, one must realize that making the most of one's college experience does not solely depend on selecting the right college but making the best of what you have. Get involved! However, I am not recommending that you overextend yourself by committing to too many activities. If you get involved in too many organizations you may begin to neglect you school work. Remember, the number reason you are attending college is to get a degree. If you trust my advice your freshman year will go more smoothly.


The advice I would give to students about finding the right college is to make sure that the college they choose matches their interests, what they are interested in majoring in,and that they aren't just choosing a college that is popualr or that their friends are going to. They also need to make sure to visit the college of their choice to make sure that is is the right fit for them. The advice I would give to students about making the most of their college experience is to get involved on campus and to be open to meeting new people. They also need to have a good balance of balancing their school work and social life. As a student, they need to be active in class and be in good contact with their professors. They also need to be able to network, so when they graduate they can have better oppotunities for finding jobs and connections.


Make sure you go where you want and check out all school before deciding on one. Don't let someone else pick the school in which you should attend. Its all about the choice you make because this will have alot of affect on the rest of your life. Also make sure you are happy and in an enviroment in which you know you will succeed.