Harding University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The only thing that has held me back were my own fears and reservations. I am very introverted and mainly wish that I had learned to deal with that better before coming. I have learned to bloom wherever I'm planted, while still holding to my convictions.


I wish I had already known my major. Harding is an expensive place to go to just ponder and not know yet.


I wish I would have known more about the teachers individually so I could chose my courses more carefully


how conservative it really is


Start managing your finances early


Nothing really. Maybe that it would be a little tougher than I thought.


I wish I had known I had another choice...my parents really wanted me to come here so I felt like I had to.


I wish I had known how to truely study and learn material.


The schools reputation in the business field; because of this it may be more difficult to find myself a practical job in the field I want.


It rains a lot.