Harvard University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


kind of lacking


Lots of great groups. Social life is decent, just got to know where to find it.


I leave my doors open. I met my closest friends freshman year - we all lived in the same dorm. We are still living together. If I am awake at 2am Tuesday, I would be struggling with my thesis. I party once a week, and I drink. I got wasted last weekend.


Students do leave their doors open, and it is *in general* fine. Athletic events are only popular when it comes to H-Y Game. I met with my closest friends through class + random social gathering of friends + Anneberg.


It's hard to say what's the most popular because there re so many things going on, but everything seems to be able to find their niche.


The center of social life revolves around extracurriculars, athletics, and social clubs to a more limited extent.


Parties can be fun. There are clubs. Boston is certainly not the place to look for a good time. The damn city closes at 2.


I enjoy participating in different events and do not want to mention the groups since there are too many of them.


2am on a Tuesday I would either be writing a paper, or studying for an exam the next day - because all my exams seem to fall on Wednesday. Several times I was up talking to roommates, but only because we weren't in the thick of exams. :) Most of my closest friends I know from the Christian Fellowship, my entryway, and the Internationals. I'm thankful for these particular friends, especially those in the Christian Fellowship, because it is where I can be completely real and honest - something I feel is lacking at Harvard - because of an inherent superiority complex and pride. The dating scene here (something I'm not involved in) can also be quite awkward - there are 3 main categories of dating couples; those who hook up and don't remember each other's names the next day, those who have been dating since freshman year and are, as I write, already engaged and planning their wedding, and those who are neither, who are increasingly coming to terms with their non-existent romantic lives!


So many things are there waiting for you!!!!