Hendrix College Top Questions

Describe the students at Hendrix College.


Hardworking and driven.


I can honestly say that I have never seen a more cohesive, active, motivated student body on any other college campus (and trust me, I have visited quite a few!) At Hendrix, we are a community. Even if you do not know each student's name, we are all familiar with everyone. This is important for both social reasons along with safety reasons. Hendrix students support each other, no matter what. We have a voice on campus, although it may not be as strong as we would like it to be at times (the administration doesn't always take our opinions seriously) but the fact that we have a voice that is somewhat influential says a lot in comparison to other schools. Hendrix does not have a Greek system, so there are no boundaries between social groups. When Hendrix parties, everyone is there! We have fun, but we keep it safe because we care about each other and don't want bad things to happen at our school. We are just full of love and we truly do accept everyone! Basically what I am trying to say is that the Hendrix student body rocks my world!


They are eclectic bunch on the liberal side, but open to non-hateful ideas.


Most students at Hendrix are very determined and studious but allow themselves time to interact with friends and further develop the campus community.


My classmates are eccentric.


My classmates are eclectic and very opinionated.