Hofstra University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had known how to finance my life better. It is very difficult to financially be stable especially in an independent environment. To understand the meaning of finance is to know how to control his or her expenses and his or her income. At a university, it is difficult to keep up the grades and have income at the same time. Therefore, I wish I had known and had honed the skills I need to stay in school by maintaining my finances.


How people range in their academic motivations


That the school has alot of students that commute and alot of people go home on the weekends.


the lame required liberal arts classes


The Long Island culture.


How important it is to take advantage of the extra-curricular opportunities available exclusively to freshmen and stay on campus during the weekends.


that college would cost so much


I wish I knew that in order to get a scholarship you needed to be out of high school at least a year in order for your SAT scores to be ignored for evaluation. I graduated high school with a 98.3 GPA and ranked 76 out 456 students, but since I am not quite as good on standardized tests as one would like, I did not get scholarship when I transfered here because it was during the spring of my freshman year.


how many people smoke ok campus its gross


I wish I had known more people before coming here because the school tends to be very cliquey and students form social groups very fast.