Hope College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Hope College? Why?


As a student attending an expensive private school, I need to be employed while in school so I can help my parents pay for college. Unfortunately, employment has been extremely hard to come by at Hope and in the surrounding community. I do not have a car, which makes it much harder. I would consider that the worst part for me.


The bad things about Hope are limited, the people here are friendly and all the professors are here to help students. The worst thing is probably how spread out the campus is, walking from one side to the other in the middle of winter is quite a daunting task.


My school is small and private therefore there is limited diversity in the student body. The professors come from multiple and diverse backgrounds and professional experiences, but the students are very much the same. My school is also Christian, therefore what diversity there is lies primarily in ethnic diversity but not in cultural and religious realms. Though I appreciate the ability to exercise my Christian faith both in the classroom and in various forms across campus, the fact that are very few students of other faiths on campus or outwardly so leaves something to be desired.


It is a little too small, so there aren't many class options.


I think the worst thing about Hope College is the lack of diversity. I feel as though some minority students that attend Hope feel left out or uncomfortable because it is a mostly white campus.


Alot of the dorms are pretty small, so if you dont get along with the people in your dorm it can be hard to find friends close by.


I would say the availability of accessing food when dining hall was not open.


Of course it is small so there are less options than large schools.


Some of the core requirements, such as religion classees or cultural heritage classes. The registrar's office can make things difficult too, when you want to take certain classes or waive requirements, or avoid paying tuition for classes that you aren't receiving credit for.


It does not have very much diversity . It is majority white middle class Christian people.