About Hope College

Founded in 1866, Hope College. is a Private college. Located in Michigan, which is a city setting in Michigan, the campus itself is Urban. The campus is home to 3,234 full time undergraduate students, and 0 full time graduate students.

The Hope College Academic calendar runs on a Semester basis. In the school year the student to faculty ratio was 11:1. There are 237 full time instructional teachers. Degrees awarded at Hope College include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree.

Quick Facts

Acceptance Rate84%
Application Deadline
Application Fee35
SAT Range1000-1270
ACT Range23-29

Admissions at are considered Less Selective, with ,56% of all applicants being admitted.

In the school year, of the students who applied to the school, only 19 of those who were admitted eventually ended up enrolling.

92% of incoming freshmen are in the top half of their high school class. 66% were in the top quarter, and 37% were in the top tenth. You can apply online.


We asked, and students answered these important questions about student life at Hope College.

“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
“We”re apathetic”
“We know about current events and vote”
“We participate and encourage others to get involved”
“There”s nothing we won”t protest”
“We save it for the classroom”
“Sometimes, but not often”
“There”s usually intelligent conversation to be found”
“All the time, including weekends”
“I”m always terrified”
“I only go out in groups”
“I usually let someone know where I”m going”
“I feel extremely safe”
“We don”t play sports”
“We play recreationally”
“We bought the gear”
“We live for the big game”
“It”s not really our thing”
“Occasinally we gallery crawl”
“There are a variety of opportunities”
“We”re a very artistic group”
“Haven”t met them”
“Available in class”
“They keep regular office hours”
“They”re always available”
“No greek life, but other groups to join”
“There is some involvement, but not a lot”
“Plenty of people join a sorority or fraternity”
“It”s everything. If you”re not greek, you”re a geek”
“We”re not into drinking at all”
“Maybe a little, but it”s not a big thing”
“We only party on weekends”
“There”s some drinking happening every night”
“Never, we”re here to learn”
“There might be people who do”
“People are known to partake on weekends”
“There”s a huge drug scene”
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  • How would you rate on-campus housing?

    113 Students rated on-campus housing 3.9 stars. 23 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate off-campus housing?

    74 Students rated off-campus housing 3.7 stars. 0 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus food?

    117 Students rated campus food 3.4 stars. 10 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate campus facilities?

    117 Students rated campus facilities 4.5 stars. 57 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate class size?

    117 Students rated class size 4.7 stars. 72 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate school activities?

    116 Students rated school activities 4.3 stars. 48 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate local services?

    116 Students rated local services 4.3 stars. 53 % gave the school a 5.0.

  • How would you rate academics?

    117 Students rated academics 4.1 stars. 38 % gave the school a 5.0.

Hope College REVIEWS

What's your overall opinion of Hope College?

22 Students rated Hope College

Chad - 11/25/2023

The past two and a half semesters at Hope College have been a dream. After high school, my decision to attend Hope came only after having looked at and dismissing Michigan State University, which has 10 times more students. Personally, Hope College was a wonderful candidate for undergrad because they have some wonderful facilities, an amazing location (Lake Michigan sunsets!), Christian values (while also not enforcing any religious activity outside of school!) and some fine athletics. Running Cross Country was in the forefront of my mind when I looked at Hope, and the coaches and team welcomed me with open arms. My talents as a runner have been pushed to far greater heights than I could have ever imagined were possible and for that I’m thankful. I have the highest possible meal plan, which gives me unlimited swipes in the dining halls, and I frequently drop into the dining hall to grab a bite when I get a second, even if it's just making peanut butter toast after class. New this year, the dining hall is open all day long, even between prepared meal times, which allows for plenty of flexibility on days when my schedule is overcrowded. The atmosphere of Hope is very welcoming. When Chapel isn’t mandatory, having a full service is all the more special because you know that everyone present wants to be there. Additionally, the students at Hope are very involved and very passionate. Hope College is one hundred percent worth pursuing!

Abby - 01/20/2020

I love Hope College. There campus is great. When I went on my visit all I heard was that they wanted to to succeed. Hope has a great athletic program that I hope to participate. Its in a small town Holland, and also right by the beach. Hope is a Christian college where there are many different beliefs. Everyone loves each other and you will never feel left out. GO DUTCH!!

Madison - 09/09/2019

I love Hope College so much. I fell in love with the campus and It would be my dream to spend 4 years here. The building are gorgeous and the christain community is something I really appreciate about the school. The food is good and healthy choices are available.

Sarah - 07/03/2019

Overall Hope College is an excellent school but like anywhere it has its pitfalls. I'll be a sophomore in the fall and I'm very excited to get back into the thick of it all. While the school is affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church of America they don't really try to shove Christianity down your throat. The sports life is so so which I'm fine with but I'm sure there are many others who would like to see some changes in that area. The campus itself is safe but during my first semester we had some off-campus scares with shootings and assaults against female students both of which were investigated and taken care of to my knowledge. The biggest problem I had was with mice in the building which started in January and didn't end until I moved out of my hall in May. The Phys Plant needed to do something about it and never did beyond saying something along the lines of, "Here's a mouse trap, good luck." The food is good but needs to be seasoned and becomes rather boring after a while. After midnight during the week there aren't a lot of options when it comes to dining unless you have a car and can go get fast food or whatever you can come up with in the kitchens of your res hall. They changed the dining hours last semester to make them more broad and available for more people but more flexible hours could be done honestly. Class sizes are great and if you put the effort in to get to know your professors they're some pretty amazing people. The TAs never really teach the class in my experience but they're always really helpful and good resources if they aren't busy and if the professor isn't on campus. Holland itself is adorable but after 11:00 p.m. it's pretty dead for minors. Holland is also kind of a tourist town so there are some great store but everything is a little overpriced. If you can't make it to Meijer the Minit Mart on 15th Street has a lot of snack food kind of stuff and things to make sandwiches if you're in a pinch.

Hope College FAQS

  1. What is the Acceptance Rate at Hope College?

    The fall 2020 acceptance rate for Hope College is 84%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.

  2. What should every freshman at your school know before they start?

    It is important that a student seeking the proper college not seek the same experience that he or she is having in high school. Many things about a person can change, and likely should change, about him or her in the first year away from home. This change ranges from ways of thinking, to challenging oneself, to living well, to the manner in which he or she treats others of all backgrounds. College is a time for fun and social activity as well, so it is important that a college-seeking student probe the availabilities of campus activities and the varieties of those activities. All in all. the most important piece is choosing a school that will challenge the student and cause him or her to grow both academically and personally.

    Read all 112 answers
  3. What's unique about your campus?

    the best thing about my school is the professors and class sizes. all my professors are so nice and easy to get along with. if you have a problem with anything they have no problem staying after class and helping you with it. and all my class sizes are small which i really enjoy.

    Read all 24 answers
  4. Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.

    It is a small school, with lots of things to do and people to meet.

    Read all 21 answers
  5. What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?

    I feel as though I was very well educated as to what the expectations were within the college and what I should expect. I do wish that I was able to have more of an understanding of how much the college course studies would take over my life and leave little time for actually socializing but I suppose that is very normal in any college situation.

    Read all 20 answers
  6. Describe the students at your school.

    Friendly, outgoing, caring people.

    Read all 19 answers
  7. Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!

    It's in a small town, but has a large town feeling

    Read all 19 answers
  8. What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?

    As a student attending an expensive private school, I need to be employed while in school so I can help my parents pay for college. Unfortunately, employment has been extremely hard to come by at Hope and in the surrounding community. I do not have a car, which makes it much harder. I would consider that the worst part for me.

    Read all 19 answers
  9. Describe your favorite campus traditions.

    Hope College is best known for the environment in and out of the classroom. The amount of students per class is small compared to larger universities and the professors honestly care about the students in their classes. The out of classroom environment is very friendly and encouraging. Everyone on campus is willing to help and support you. The Holland community is also very supportive and involved with the college students.

    Read all 18 answers
  10. What kind of person should not attend this school?

    Someone who is reserved and keeps to themself. Also, if you have no respect for Christianity, don't attend Hope.

    Read all 18 answers
  11. What kind of person should attend this school?

    A student that likes a small enviorment, being able to talk and meet with other students and professors reguarally, challenged acadamically and one is willing to meet people that will be in their lives for a long time.

    Read all 17 answers
  12. What's the most frustrating thing about your school?

    I pay for school myself, so the cost is frustrating.

    Read all 16 answers
  13. What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?

    The kind of education that I am able to get at Hope. Because classrooms are small, professors are always willing to help inside and outside of class. I truely believe that the kind of education I can get from Hope is unlike most other schools, even other small, liberal arts colleges. Hope offers so many different educational programs that anyone can find where they belong and decide what they will be doing for the rest of their life.

    Read all 15 answers

Student Body







Total Undergrad Enrollment


Total Grad Students









Student Organizations







On-Campus Housing


of students living on campus

Student Diversity

% American Indian/Alaskan Native
% Asian/Pacific Islander
% Black or African-American
% Hispanic/Latino
% White or Caucasian


All students must apply yearly for financial aid. This process starts with the FAFSA. Though financial aid deadlines vary by school, it is a good idea to apply as soon as possible. For the upcoming school year, you can apply as early as October 1 for the FAFSA. Additional school aid will be dependent on the FAFSA results.

93% of students attending Hope College receive some sort of financial aid. 17% were awarded federal grants.54%received federal loans. Many students do also need to apply for additional private student loans.

Cost Out of State


Tuition and fees(Out of state)


Books and Supplies


Room and Board


Total On Campus

Actual Cost By Income Level(W/Financial Aid)

Family Income
$0 - $30K
$30 - $48K
$48 - $75K
$75 - $110K
$110K & UP

We use student reviews and the most current publicly available data on our school pages. As such, we don't typically remove or edit college information. Sources for school statistics and data include the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System. Portions of college data include copyrighted material, which is reproduced on this website by permission of Wintergreen Orchard House, a division of Carnegie Communications. © 2009-2016 by Wintergreen Orchard House. All rights reserved.


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