Hope College Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Hope College?


The most frustrating thing would have to be the lack of diversity. Hope is a wonderful school and the only thing I woud ever complain about at Hope would be how everyone there is pretty simillair, which is good in some ways (everyone is nice, supportive, and easy to get along with) but bad in others (it results in a lack of diversity).


No diversity


I pay for school myself, so the cost is frustrating.


The math department caters so much to the education majors, somewhat understandably because there are so many of them. But it would have been nice to have some harder problems and to move a little faster in the upper level classes.




The lack of diversity along with the lack of sensitivity towards minority groups whether it be ethnic/racial or religious/social.


How conservative people are, and how they don't seem to be wiling to entertain other ideas (as in liberal ones), and that if you don't share their beliefs they think you're weird or different - basically how everyone seems to be expected to conform. The professors are very different, and don't pressure people into their beliefs or share their beliefs at all, but the students aren't that accepting.


lack of ability to get on campus housing


classes at time can be pretty tough but you can get through it


The constant weather change