Hope College Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


Strong Christian environment and friendly and helpful professors.


the massive amount of hands on learning and labs availible to all students.




The atmostphere, everyone is nice, and I enjoy the Christian aspect.


The school is perfect size. The professors are always willing to help and the students are very friendly. It's very easy to make friends at this school.


It is small in size, and very community oriented.


The school is a good balance for most students. While it is not racially, socially or economically diverse, I think that there is a focus and an attempt made by the faculty to supply a healthy and broad worldview. I love our campus ministries program -- it is wonderful in the sense that it is exceptionally accepting, but also challenging to opinions and ways of living for students.


The professors are very accessible and really want their students to excel.


I am going into special education and my teachers/professers are very helpful. My professors are easy to talk to and are very infomative. My school is small so that allows individual help in classes. People at Hope College are very outgoing and fun. It is easy to keep a positive attitude even though the course load is piled on students. I feel safe and I feel like I am getting the proper education I need to further my career as a special education teacher.


I love the personal attention I recieve from faculty and staff.