Husson University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Husson University know before they start?


Going back in time in order to be a high school senior would be a blessing and a curse. The great thing about college is that I'm beginning to learn about things that actually interest me, whereas in high school I was limited to a curriculum prescribed by the state. It would be a curse to travel back in time to high school because of that one limitation. Although I enjoy the challenge and complexity of college classes, there is one reason that I would love to go back to high school. The blessing about being able to travel back in time to be a senior again is that I could sign up for more challenging classes, as well as partake in college prerequisit courses at my local University. If I had taken more challenging classes in high school, it may have sacrificed my straight A report card, but in turn I would have gotten the experience I needed for the demanding college classes that I am now a part of. If I had taken some prerequisit classes, I would have more time in my schedule this year which may have made the transition to college easier for me.


Prepare myself to adapt to the new enviroment and willing to make friends around campus. Remind yourself to get the work done one time by using a planner Pay attention to class and ask questions Participation Show who you really are and your ability to learn Dont be shy Friendly Ask for help Give out help PArticipate in school activities


If I were to go back and give my younger self some advice the first thing I would say is "Do not limit yourself!" When deciding where to apply for school I cut myself off from any college I felt I would not be accepted into, including my dream school. Looking back I realize that the only one who can set a limit to what you can do.... is you.


If I could go back in time to talk to my high school self, I would say all of the cliche things everyone would tell themelves. "Study harder", "Remember to sleep", "Don't forget to call Mom and the siblings often"' with the rest. But, with more emphasis, I would tell myself to be courageous, accepting of others, and willing to let other people in my life. I would tell myself that yes, boys will end up likeing you, and you shouldn't be afraid of that. Don't hide from them because you're not use to the attention, or because (you think) you're too afraid to make the first move. Boys like that in fact, when girls talk to them. I'd also talk about respecting people- not that you were ever disrespectful, but sometimes you weren't as considerate as you could be. Open doors, talk to people in the lunch line, never be afraid to wave and yell someones name across a room just to say 'hello'. Yes, it's intimadating, but it's worth it to make the great friends you'll have. Finally, don't regret anything you do or didn't do.


If I could go back and talk to my high school self I would tell them to work harder in all parts. The best advic I could give myself would be to focus on school work and learn how to study. That the hardest part about the college transistion is going from minimal studying to studying four hours a day. Also I would tell myself to work focus more on finding scholarships. College is expensive and with out scholarships debt is inevitable. I wish I had applied to more scholarships when I still id not have to pay for anything instead of applying for many while haveing to juggle school and work.


I would tell myself that school will be tough but study hard and make time to relax and you will be fine.


I have realized that college can bring me to places in this world that other organizations may not be able to give me. College and especially my program will give me not only knowledge of kinesiology and practices in physical therapy but also professionalism. I will become a great leader in my community and perhaps nation wide. I will be respected by my peers and colleauges. Through my college experience I have also learned how to better manage my time, which will be helpful when I am a physical therapist. I have been exposed to a variety of students and it has better opened my mind to the diversity of Maine and of this country. I enjoy the closeness of my university becuase it allows me to get closer to the new variety of people I am exposed to. I have also learned the difficulty of paying for college. I have been paying for school with little assistance from my parents, and I have been taking advantage of my work study and other scholarships. However, I realize the importance of college to maintian a stable paycheck, which may be invaluble in this country today.


Since I have started college, I have a whole new perspective on life and just how valuable an education really is. Making the transition from high school to college, I was unaware what to expect. High school was very restricting but being a college student means more freedom. A student either has to sink or swim and realize that the professors are not longer going to remind you again and again to do your work. It is up to you, the student, to take care of everything and ask questions if necessary. I have really enjoyed college thus far as I feel I have taken so much from it. The classes are more challenging but they expand your mind to think about things in a different perspective than we have before. I know college will help my in the long run because I am bettering myself and will be bettering my future with a positive career as well.


My college experience has been a wild one. I am in the English Pre-law major which is a four year program, however I have been motivated to complete it in only two years. I am beyond busy, going to classes, homework, essays, studying, having a part time job, having family time, and of course some type social interactions at least one night a week. My first semester I was beyond exhausted pulling two or three all nighters in a row, making myself sick. What I have taken out of my college experience is time management for sure. In my 2nd semester, I am in bed by 12 and get plenty of rest. Having better time management skills has allowed me to grow and bloom into a better student. It is valuable for me to attend college because I need to make a life for myself and for my future family. I am anxious to start my life and what better way to start off my own life then having a college degree? I have to write my own book, and my book needs to have a degree to be successful.


Before I entered college i was a straight A ,B student that never drank or partied, as many of my classmates chose to do. Once I got in college all that changed. I befriended the wrong person. This person that I became friends with drank everynight and every weekend. At first when she would ask me if I wanted to drink I replied "No thank you". After a while she would call me lame and peer pressure me into drinking. Not wanting to deal with the peer pressure anymore, I decided to drink as well. That one time turned into every weekend, which pushed my homework to the side and I would not get it done until right before classes started. My grades begin to be not as high as they were. After a while I finally realized that drinking all the time was hurting my chances of doing well in college. I decided to not be friends with this person anymore. If i could go back and talk to myself, I would tell myself not to get involved with people like that because it not only brought my grades down but it also put my future career in jeopardy.