One of the most important things that you could do is learn to limit your spending. Trying to pay for college is really difficult, so making sure that you have money saved up is important. Another thing to make sure that you pay attention to is your spending when you ge into college as well. Along with that, remember that you are paying for your education now. Failing a class is no an option, or else you are losing hundreds of dollars that you will never see again. You are going to have to be self-motivated to do your work. Teachers are not going to follow you to get your work in like in high school. You need to stay on top of your work and finish everything on time, but at the same time make sure that you do a good job on it.
I would tell myself that while it is important to go to a good school, it is more important to like what you are doing and studying. I might suggest taking general classes at a local community college which is much cheaper and then transferring to a larger school when I have completely decided on a major. I would also tell myself to get involved in many extracurricular activities because they are are great way to meet friends and helpful to get involved in the campus community. Getting to know the surrounding town and available resources is also very important because it can provide you with entertainment and again helps to get to know others. I would say to take risks, have fun, and enjoy every second because time passes very quickly!
I would explain to myself that the transition is a lot easier than you anticipate. Do not worry about what your classmates will think of you. The classes are challenging, but if you read your textbook assignments and put in the need hours of studying you will succeed. Also, remember that you need time for yourself. Enjoy meeting new people and take in all the new experiences that you can. Your college years are ones you will never forget. So live it up, and become the success you wish to be. Goodluck, and trust me I know you will do fine.
If I had the opportunity to talk to my high school self, I would advise following my gut feeling about picking a major and stick with it. I have always been fascinated with the Real Estate profession, and miraculously there was a college in my home state that offered a great Real Estate degree program. I completed my first year and was able to receive licensure a year early, so I dropped out of the program and went into the field. Well, self, it?s a two year program for a reason and I was sadly under qualified without a degree. All the time I?d invested in school was wasted because I could not work in the field without a degree. I was blinded with the rush to practice Real Estate that I thought I could learn on the job as I went along, but that is not the case at all.
As a high school senior I had no idea how valuable a degree was. It?s taken me seven years to get my act together and go back to school. I wish I had stuck with college when I started ? no matter what. Knowledge is power!
I would tell myself that college is alot harder than what people make it seem to be. I never really had to study in highschool and I found out really fast once I got to college how much I had to study. For one exam, I studied for 8 hours. Since I am a nursing major I do have more studying to do than some other majors. However, I didn't expect it to be this hard. I would also tell myself that transitioning into college takes time since you are living in a new place that is extrememly small and with a roomate. Also the food isn't like homecooking. Overall I love being at college, but it can be stressful and alot of work
College is the key to a great successful future. find out what you want to do in life, and what are the required skills. It is a good thing to get started early, the more you know about the major you want to persue, the more prepare you will be when you're actually there in College. Know that half work does not get you in College, make sure you give all you have in all your homework and on your exams, and you'll get in the College that you dreamed about.
Quite honestly the first thing I would say to myself is keep studying. I would insist that college is very important and not to have any doubts on whether or not I would survive in that type of atmosphere. I would remind myself that all of this studying will actually pay off and that it is actually giving me a leg up on what I will actually be doing in college. I would advise myself to have just a little bit of fun and to make friends and not be shy because I don't know what I would do without my friends here in college now. I would suggest getting all paperwork done for college early so as to not worry about late admissions. I would say to myself that college can be fun if you learn to interact with others and can be very rewarding as long as I keep applying my knowledge to what HUSSON University has to offer me. Lastly, I would say that the knowledge I have received from my professors, friends, and HUSSON college itself has made me a better, stronger, and more confident person. I would say believe in yourself.
I would say to not be afraid and just dive into school and making friends. It may seem overwhelming at first but make sure to schedule time for your studies and social life and you will have a great college expereince.
If i had the chance to go back to high school and tell myself something about the transition to college, I would say: Brace yourself, you're about to have a bumpy ride! It isn't the classes or the schedule that are tough getting used to, it's the overall life changes that occur when you move out of your home for the first time. Nobody is watching over you to ensure that you are where you need to be and doing what you need to be doing.
Visit as many colleges as possible!