Illinois State University Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about Illinois State University?


I haven't found anything frustrating about my school because I haven't attended it yet.


For Elementary Education majors there is a big work load. Doing homework takes a lot of time every day.


I live out of tyown and the parking can be very frustrating


The most frustrating thing about my school is they changed the meal plan this year and most of the students dislike it a lot. The meal plan is now swipe your id when you enter the dining center and you can eat as much food as you want and I do not like that because I do not want to eat all the food I can, especially when it is not good food. I wish we had the old meal plan back.


cost of books , getting the classes you want


The academic advisors don't really talk to one another, so I get conflicting answers about a lot of things.


It seemed that there were not as many academic advisors for the education department. They seemed to be overworked and it was always difficult to schedule an appointment with them.


I do not find anything fruserating about my school. I love it here and wish I could be here all the time, even over summer breaks!


I think the most frustrating thing about my school is the lack of music. I always had to drive to Champaign (40 minutes away) to see any good bands. I really would have enjoyed more culture at my school.


The bus system.