Indiana State University Top Questions

What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about Indiana State University?


The teachers are very friendly and very enthusiastic about their teaching.


thats it is a very nice campus and i like going to school there.


That my largest class that I have been in is 50 people and that I get to pick what time and day my classes are on because we get to set our schedules.


The campus itself is nice and clean; it is a good looking campus during the fall, spring, and summer. Everything is within walking distance and there is no need for a campus shuttle to get you around to your classes. The cafeterias on campus are buffet-style and you can get as much as you want. The student population is a decent size; I am glad that it is not too small, but i think it could be bigger.


My Fraternity


I love that Indiana State University has many internships avaliable to juniors and seniors. Almost all gradutes are offered jobs before they graduate.


I like to brag about all the research we are doing here. We are very advanced, especially in the science department. Also the beauty of campus.


I believe that the campus of Indiana State University has improved over the last few years. The landscape of the college has been improved, thanks to landscape specialists and horticulturalists. I know, especially since moving onto campus this year, that I.S.U. offers a lot of extracurricular opportunities to the students. There are many ways to get involved on campus and to learn. Also, the professors are fun and exciting and bring a lot of knowledge to the classroom. They are professionals in the field and offer exciting facts and trivia from their fields.