Indiana State University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Indiana State University?


This college is for anyone. They offer many different majors and minors. Indiana State University have a great nursing program as well for student who are interested in the medical field.


A dedicated individual. Someone who wants to not only work toward their major but also desires to partcipate in community service, clubs, Greek life, or even campus jobs. An individual who doesn't just want the partial college experience but who desires the chance to fully enjoy and be apart of the college lifestyle.


You should attend this school if you don't have any other options. Also attend this school if you're looking to party, or if you have a strong idea of where you're going and are prepared to go there without any guidance.


Anyone who wants a higher educational learning experience can be a student at Indiana State University. With so many majors and minors to choose from, as well as graduate studies and Masters Degree options available, Indiana State has something for everyone.


One who is going to work hard in their classes and who is looking for a good education.


Anyone would be a good fit to attend here, but if one is looking for a big campus with a lot of people then this would not be a good fit. It is a small campus, but the classes are well taught and the teachers are awesome.


I believe Indiana State has an extremely diverse population. I meet new people everyday. I think it is a fantastic school for people to go to locally, or to live on campus if they are far from home. Students that attend here must be driven and goal oriented. Indiana State University is definitely a place to have fun and gain experiences, but it is important that everyone that attends knows that they are here for a purpose. Students should be driven, and ready to learn. I love Indiana State University. I love the people here.


Hardworking students who are looking to obtain a degree through challenging coursework should attend this school.


Hard working person that can achive high levels in education


21st Centry Scholars, presidental scholars, and scholar athletes.