Before freshman year, l wish someone would have told me that the whole "your college years are your best years" is a lie!
How different and more difficult the homework and assignments were. Highschool 'babies' an individual, so to speak, and at college, the individual is completely on their own, to turn in the work and complete it without even being told to do so.
I wish I had known that declaring a second major is difficult. I wanted a major in Language Studies, so I emailed the Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Department, and they set up a meeting with me. I went to the meeting, and they redirected me to the Arts and Sciences Department. I went there, and they told me that I had to go to the College of Technology to declare another major since my first major is under them. I went there and finally declared my second major, but I wish I'd known it'd be such a hassle!
Before I came to this school, I wish I would have known that college is much harder than i expected.
I wish I had known that they had chinese classes before I came to the school. I have always been interested in asian cultures, especially chinese. Instead, I enrolled in Latin classes, which are interesting enough, it helps me understand english better, but if I had known, I would have pursued a minor in chinese instead of Latin. Now I'm halfway through a Latin minor, and maybe a fourth of the way through a chinese minor, taking both classes in the same semester, and falling behind in both.
I was fortunate that I went to ISU to play softball and was given the opportunity to visit the campus and meet all of the academic staff during my visit and hope the same opportunity is given to those students that are not going to play sports. I found meeting everyone and having them answering my questions made it easier for me when I moved from Iowa to Indiana.
I know my case is probably different than most, but I have a disabling condition and the campus at ISU is very uneven and sloping. It is extremely difficult to get around. Another thing that I do not particularly like is the fact that it is difficult to get registered in many classes because they do not have enough of each class. Above all else, I cannot get my advisor to help me with scheduling classes, let alone even return emails.
That Climatology was a minor
I wish I knew more about the cost of the school. There are so many cost that I did not consider before I started. The extra fees mounts up.
I wish I would have known how much I was going to recieve in fanancial aid before the semester started.
I wish I had known that maybe buckling down a little more can do a great deal for you. Even though the pressure of going to parties and what not can be hard wasting money will be the effect of not hitting the books.
I wish I would have known that getting good grades in high school would have opened more doors for me from an academic standpoint. Working harder to prove that I'm a good student now has taught me that I could have done more for myself if I would have pushed myself harder while I was in high school. Giving in the peer pressure then cost me more in the long run.
I wish I had know how much it was going to cost. The tuition is a good price for the quality of education you receive, however, being involved on campus adds additional costs. I was a member of Sigma Kappa sorority my first two years of college. I was also involved in Business Professionals of America . I loved my sorority but could no longer afford the housing or dues. If I had known how costly these organizations were going to be I would have saved more money when I was in high school.
How unhelpful some of the staff is when dealing with personal issues.
How much money was going to be put into my career.
I wish I would have known more about financial aid in terms of loans and grants.
That you really do have a new found freedom, and that this freedom is like nothing you have ever experianced.
That I didn't have to try as hard in high school to succeed in college.
How to make better decision in my owm personal life.