1. If you live on campus, talk to people move-in weekend more than you think you should because that's when everyone starts to make friends that last for four years.
I wish I had knownsome of the material I slept through in high school before going to the cmapus. Not being lazy in high school could have saved me a lot of extra homework.
I wish that I knew how difficult it would seriously be. I was always told that college was completely different than high school, but I guess you can say I didn't take the warning seriously enough. I also wish that I knew how hard it was going to seem making friends. With a school as big as IUPUI, it was hard finding friends. Even more of an obstacle, it is a school in the center of a city, so plenty of students commuted rather than living on campus, so many aren't even looking for friends.
I wish I knew how much of a local school this is. So many people leave on the weekends, and the Campus Housing is just sub-par. I have no problem with the apartments themselves, I'm thankful they exist and that I'm able to live in them. But they are just so shoddily made for how new they are, and the housing office does nothing to improve the quality of living. Don't live in the engineering building if you are someone who considers yourself social.
I wish I had known about more housing opportunities. I also wish that I had been told up front that the nursing program tuition is more expensive than regular undergraduate tuition.
The cost of college. If I could go back, I would have applied to a lot more scholarships in order to prepare for the tuition bills. People constantly stressed the fact that college is expensive, but the reality doesn't hit you until you add the tuition plus books and other miscellaneous fees.
Don't forget a bicycle pump!
I wish I had known how difficult it is to find parking. The campus, the educational experience, the clubs, the whole college experience is perfect the only fault is campus parking. I live an hour away and it's nearly impossible to arrive after 9 and find parking.
I wish I knew more about the campus, and also more about the organizations that my school has to offer. I also I wish that I knew more about the dorms. Where I live the rent is over priced and the school pit the students in a hotel where regular people still can check in. I also wish that I had a friend that I knew at my college. I came in by myself with no friend what so ever. So I wish that one of my friends from my high school could of came to my college with me.
I wish I knew a lot more about the parking situation at my school. Because it being down town the parking is very limited and competitive.