Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


First, I wish I would've known that the school does not have a meal plan. Secondly, I wish I would have known how hard it was going to be to find an off campus apartment for someone with a low income. Other than that, the school has greatly met my needs, especially academically.


I wish I would have know how to manage time better, trying to balancae school and work is a tough challenge. Just to pay rent I have to work and among the crazyness of that go to an art school full time and everyone requires alot out of you because they really want you to excell at their class and make you become a better artist.


Wish there were more music classes.


The amount of work involved in such an endeavor. The amount of work required in high school pales in comparison to the amount of work necessary to succeed in college-level work.


How expensive college really was.


I wish I had known I was coming so I could have transferred sooner!


There are a lot of hidden fees at IUPUI, though I'm sure this is true of a lot of other universities. Certain classes have additional fees on top of credit hour fees that are not listed in course descriptions or mentioned at registration, which can create a nasty surprise when the bursar bill shows up.


This school is a major commuter school so it is a lot harder to get to know people here rather than if I was at a school living on campus in a dorm. Prices increase significantly when you get into a specialized program.


What my competition would REALLY be like.


An advisor told me that one of my classes transfered when I transfered to IUPUI. I just found out the other day that actually seven of those classes actually did transfer. Always get a second opinion


The intenisty of the classes are extreme.


I wish I had known more about the social activites offered - it took me my first year to know what was offered. I wish Ihad known about the reasonable off campus housing.


There isn't a whole lot that I wish I had known before coming to IUPUI. The only thing that I wish I would have known is that the advisor I had would have been more committed to the school and not to several schools and her own studies.


I already knew people who had attended this school. So I knew a lot about it already.


I wish that i had known that it was nothing like a real college campus like IU or Purdue. I wish I had known how much housing was and the difference between the visual communication programs between IU and Herron.


I wish I had known to bring my bike.


Before I cam to IUPUI, I wish I would have known/realized how much of a commuter campus it was. I have to leave my house rediculously early just to find a parking spot so I can make it to class on time. Also, I wish I would have known that some of the people around me were going to be rude. When I visit other schools, I walk by a student and they say, "Hi." At IUPUI, everyone is so depressed-looking.


that the school did not offer the general bacholer degree in fine arts and that you had to be specified into a catagory and the jewerly classes did not count towards any of the degrees in the program.


I wish I knew how much everything was.