Iowa State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Iowa State University accurate?


No, people from Iowa are incredibly nice people. Being from Illinois, I prefer to associate with people from Iowa.


No. There are many several colleges here at Iowa State besides the College of Ag.


No! While there are plenty of students at ISU who are engineers, farmers and partiers, that is not always the case! There are tons of other majors to choose from and lots of groups to get involved with that aren't focused on partying. You just have to look around a little bit.


NO! there are so many people who arnt those majors and many more ppl who arent hicks or farmies!!


Not really! There are people from all over! Really!!


Iowa State does have a strong College of Agriculture. However there are several other colleges and strong programs as well. ISU isn't life on the farm. Far from it!


Absolutley not.


Study hard, party hard


No. Just because I'm a college student does not mean that I spend all my free money and time getting wasted. Iowa State is just as good of a school as Iowa.


To an extent yes. Afterall, we do have strong programs in agriculture and engineering.