Iowa State University Top Questions

Is the stereotype of students at Iowa State University accurate?




Not really, there are a lot of people in engineering that you wouldn't expect, although most of the fashion majors are dressed up most days, there are a ton of majors here so you'll see lots of people in sweats from the Kinesiology major too!!


Somewhat, there are several farm and small town kids that go to ISU. There are also a lot the come from cities.


Majority of the people are from Iowa. And there are definitely people to met and things to do that don't involve drinking.


compared to other schools we may be


That we have a good academics that is correct. We do get together and have fun but studies mostly come first. There are a lot of agriculture majors but the majors are pretty spread out.


There are quite a few people who go to school here that are from small towns or farms, but I am from the City and I find than many students who go to ISU are from larger cities such as Chicago, Minneapolis, Dallas etc. As for our football team, they are pretty bad.


No, for the most part, people who go here are VERY smart, but in VERY different ways.


No, there are some agriculture majors, but obviously not everone is.


yes, but its fine with me :)