At first, the classes may be too large, but as you get further in your major you get to know everyone (classmates and professors) on a more personal level.
My favorite class here at Iowa State so far has to be my HS 110 class. It is a health class and because I like health and am going into that field, I really like it. My least favorite class that I have taken was TC 165, thats all I'm going to say. Here at Iowa State class participation in small classes is something that happens regularly. I feel that the requirements here for academics are pretty sustainable.
A lot of my professors know my name and know me on a personal level. My favorite class has been medical microbiology because it is so useful in everyday situations and interesting. My professor was AWESOME...Dr. Cunnick! Class participation is very common because my classes have pretty much the same people in them and we know each other quite well. Students are VERY competitive, def. if you are Greek :) I am only one of a few girl in the Genetics department and I am totally OK with that.
Most my professors in small lectures know my name- not so much if I am in a larger lecture.
I think the majority if ISU students study a lot.
I think there needs to be more for students who aren't in an AG or engineering program.
I think that students at iowa state are VERY competititive. I was a design major for awhile and the competition to get into programs is ridiculous.
I am extremely impressed with the Speech Communication program. They have great faculty that truly care about the education of young people and continue each year to seek training to become more effective teachers. I was upset to hear the the University is planning to take away the office space that so clearly this staff deserves.
I liked the idea that we got to spend so much time in classrooms (education major)
Our school is too big to have professors talk to us one on one during class, so in order to get to know a professor, you must have to make the effort to do it on your own.
Teachers in large lectures rarely taught me anything. Smaller lectures are the only classes that I can actually say I learned something in.
When people thing of state schools, they think that the classes are easy. Iowa State, in my eyes, has a hard curriculum. If you choose to major in the design school at Iowa State you have to take required classes your first year and then apply to get into your major of choice. It is very competitive.