Ivy Tech Community College Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about Ivy Tech Community College!


I like the flexibility of the classes, they allow me to work full time, raise my son and get the education that I need to better the lives of those around me.


Ivy Tech was close to home and it was affordable. The school allowed me to work, go to school , and raise my son. Another thing I like is the small class sizes. It allows me to get to know my professors.


The counselors who work at Ive Tech are very helpful and seem to want the best for the older students who are scare to sign up or have to retake accessment testing to better their scores and themselves.


The unique thing about Ivy Tech compared to other schools that i looked at is that they don't have a waiting list to get into their nuresing program. They also don't have a lot of big exams to take just to see if you get acccepted into the school unlike most big universitys, you would have had to taken an SAT in high school and scored really high. And with my school of choose you only have to take the compass test to see what classes you need to be placed in to start off with.


That the class sizes are smaller that other colleges, and I like that alot. There are no sports at this school, and the age difference in this school is different than other schools.


Less expensive but still has transfer programs for great 4 year colleges. Smaller classrooms with turoring available. Easier to get to know people on a smaller campus


I dont know.