The advice that I would give my high school self, would be to not give up before starting the college experience. When I was in high school, I had the chance to enter the Groups Program at Indiana University, which is a program for first generation college bound students. I attended the weekend college visit at IU and realized that I was academically unprepared and too scared to enter the program. I didn’t talk to anyone about how I felt, nor did I reach out to my guidance counselor, who was the person that recommended me to the program. Had I not given into my insecurities and addressed my concerns to my guidance counselor or someone involved in the program, I would have had a different college experience and possibly, a different life. I later found out that I was more prepared for the rigors of the college experience than I realized. Also, I found out that the courses that I didn’t have, could have been rectified, by taking remedial courses. Remember to always tap into the resources available, such as advisors, student mentors, instructors, and even graduates, when faced with problems. Never let insecurities kill your opportunities!
Thomas Diep
Time to have the talk.
*Portal opens. Tom2 appears infront of Tom1's eyes*
Tom1: "No. Way."
Tom2: "Yup, definitely happenin'."
Tom1: "Assuming you're future me. You came here to selfishly benefit yourself in the future, rather than fixing real world problems."
Tom2: "Well, mom tried to make me do something nice, but I just ended up causing world war four"
Tom1: "Classi- wait, four?!"
Tom2: "Not important. Our conversation's restricted to a hundred-seventy-three words. After that? The end. Your silence? Basically imperative. Not mine-you, but like, you."
Tom1: "Okay wait, so -"
Tom2: "tut-tut-shh"
*intense pause*
"Alright, eighty-seven words left?! Challenge accepted! Hey! Past me! Get your act together! You gotta make your senior year filled with total exuberance, so you're feelin' good for college! What are you wearing?! Dammit! Why did I look like as if Bruno Mars and Taylor Lautner had a bady?! Listen, new wardrobe, be more social, study, drop the girl, IvyTech freshman year, transfer to a university after, then you'll be fine. Oh an- "
Tom1: Wait! That's already my plan!"
Tom2: *laughs* "I know. I just really wanted to go back in ti-"
If I could go back to my senior year of high school and knowing that what I know now about college. I would find and appy for as much of any scholarship opportunites that is available. One the wekedns in high school. Just dedicate your whole weekend to searching and applying for scholarships because college is vey expensive and FASFA does not qualify for everybody. Also you only get so limited money to you evry year when you are in college.
If I were to go back to my senior year I would tell myself that things will get better, and that you are strong enough to make it through working those late nights as well as studying. I would tell myself that senioritis is not a real thing, and that I need to stop procrastinating on your studies. Also I would explain that community college is a great way to go for your first few years, economically speaking. I would warn myself that you need to keep my head up and continue to focus on studies.
The transition between High School and College was easy for you, is what I would say, and it is not much different form what you are already doing. The only thing that I could possibly warn you about is parties. Stay away from them. If you actually listen to me you will save yourself several nights of tears, pain and worry. Please, do not go to parties. Just because I know you probably will anyways, dont set down your drink. Dont let men bring you drinks. They may not be as sweet as you think. Please, dont go to parties.
Honestly, I stood staring at myself in the mirror, putting on those last final touches and adjusting my cap and gown. My mother called and I looked away, just for a minute. Blink...from cap and gown to wedding gown. Blink. Blink. I was walking around campus, rocking my baby bump, crashing classes and buying expensive text books. Third blinks a charm...baby two, three and four. A class here, a class there. Thank God, no one is ever too old for school. I've gone from manual class crashing to on-line wait lists. Hell, I can even take a class from the comfort of my bed. When I glance back, this forty-one year old women is looking at me. Wow! Where had the time gone. She says to me...."start now and try to finish before the respnsibilities of life and career take hold. Transfer only if you must. The process can be mind boggling so, find a mentor who has been to your school and let them guide you. Quarter systems rule and above all...student loans are the devil (in my Waterboy voice), stay away from them if you can".
If I could go back in time and talk to myself in high school, I think i would tell myself to create a habit of not procrastinating. I have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to do something, and when it takes a lot of time to complete i get really bored. This causes me to do things poorly. So, i would tell myself to get on top of things early and keep it that way.
I would tell myself to apply to as many colleges as I can. It doesn't matter if you don't get into some. I would tell myself to study long and hard for the SAT's and take the ACT's, and to also take advantage of CLEP test. When it comes to actually going to classes, and studying, I would tell myself to go to every class, to not get distracted while studying and to set up a steady study regimen for myself weekly.
I would tell myself to enjoy high school as much as possible, to make more friends, join clubs, even play a sport. I feel like I should have been more open to the entire "high school experiance." I would also explain how scholarships are so important, although my counselor tried to urge me to sign up for them, I did not. Now I have almost $30,000 in debt, it may be worth it to be in school, but scholarships would have gone a long way as well. Now I struggle month to month paying for school as well as all my other bills. Even though I cannot realistically go back in time, I am doing my best to attain any and every scholarship possible, to help lighten the financial burden. I am the only one paying for my education, and even though I just lost my job, I am determined to do whatever it takes to reach my education goals.
First, I would suggest to try different things of interest outside of high school to better determine where my likes and talents go. Should always consult with my friends and family who had similar experience in the colleges around and draw upon their suggestions. To have a successfull transition to college life, one has to take a few campus tours and talk to other already enrolled students over there. Finally, one would definitely look at the financial side, living arrangements and that college's location (how far it is from home and the neighborhood around it).
If I were to talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to ask for help, talk to a counselor and stop being afraid to ask questions. Asking questions is probably the most important thing you can do. I had no idea how to apply, when to apply, or how I was going to pay for college. You have the ability to go and talk to a counselor and she will answer all the questions you have about college, ideal places for you to apply, and financial aid. Also you need to take AP classes or dually enroll in community college class. If you are dually enrolled in community college, your high school will pay for your classes. That is free money and nothing is better than that. You also have to study the material right after you learn it. It makes the exams a lot easier and you do not have to have an all night cramming session the night before the exam. Here are three key study devices that you need to know, that will benefit you in your college life studying habits; copious amounts of notes, flash cards and repetition.
For many years, I have been told that time is precious. That it is important to make every second count before it runs out. As you get older, you look to the past and reflect on decisions made. Even regret dreams that were never followed through. For many, the realization of losing the opportunities they once grasped onto is severely depressing.
What I have learned, is that time does not matter. It will continue at the same speed whether you are paying attention or not. The importance has lied within HOW; not the WHEN I chose to live my life. And equally, how I have honored time by making rational decisions. Failure maybe the key to learning, but it is not a requirement. There is no need to feel rushed into making a decision that could ulitimately be the wrong one.
College has been a time for self-discovery and improvement. It has given me the opportunity to see myself as a whole and independent person. My best advice to give myself is to remember to breathe. When life seems overwhelming; take a step back to remember what you're working towards.
College! The word is college not "a place to get away". I am a student that made it by in life not a student that slacked off but did not give it my all. If I had done more studying and trying to find scholarships I would not be in the predicament that I am in now. College is a place to grow and become one with self but also a place to realize you are alone and no one is there to hold your hand. If you do not want to do something no one will make you. A place that has frightened away many but where even more have grown to the women and men that surface the Earth we live on. Only a those who are willing to fight and make time to even attempt to graduate are congratulated those who went home, I am sorry and maybe college was not for you right now but I hope you the best. Those are things I would explain to myself so that I could understand the importance of trying to achieve higher education.
I loved college, the teachers are very helpful. I learned responsibility and how to make things go in a timely manner. i am very much a deadline person and will push to make sure a deadline is made.
I have not been able to attend college yet because of unplanned events. It is very important to me to be able to attend, because it will enable me to have a great career opportunity and it will allow me to make a better life for my family.
If I could go back to being a college senior I would talk to myself about the importance of getting a good education as education is something that can never be taken from you it gives you a sense of accomplishment. I would also talk about the importance of good study habits and following thru. I would also think a more in depth about career choices. I would talk about following your dreams as I have always wanted to be a RN but never really knew how to go about it and I thought I couldnt do it so I would definately talk about job shadowing and getting mentors. I would make sure I had a concrete plan of where I wanted to go and how I would get there instead of being afraid of the unknown.
I never made it to become a senior in high school . I dropped out in the eleventh grade. I later recieved my GED as an adult with five children on board in 2000 and never really thought I would be able to attend college. I thought only those with high school diplomas could attend , imagine the joy I felt when I was excepted!
So, in this chance metting I want to say. I am your future and just because you are smart now it doesn't mean you have all the answers. I was wrong, stay in school. Your friends will lead you astray, do not listen. Take what your parents; teachers say more seriously they're only there to help you succeed. Make books and the education you can receive from them your first priorty. You will have plenty of time for fun later. There are no rewrites or retakes in college, Just like there are no do overs in life.
Jobs are harder to come by in the future with very little to no education and, going to college will be the only answer to securing your goals . Plus, college is a lot harder at 39.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself one thing. That one thing would be to listen to yourself and what you want to do with your life. There are so many people who will tell you what you should/could/have to do with your life, but you are the only person who has to live with those decisions. If you just follow your heart and don't let others try to influence your life, you have no one else to blame or rejoice in but yourself. I also would tell myself to not give yourself deadlines or look at others to gauge your success or failures. Everyone has different circumstances, so just take what you are given and run with it. Be happy with your life and realize you will get there eventually, it just may take a little longer than anticipated.
I would tell myself to learn to study, dont be so concerned about your social life that you ignore the lessons you are being taught that will ehlp you prosper in the future. Teh most important lesson that I could have learned is managing my time with balancing my social life. I would also tell myself to become more involved with the programs at school because when you feel that you are part of something you strive to do better.
I would have gone straight into college after graduating from high school. I have two children and went back to obtain my Medical Assistant diploma. It was hard enough working and going to school, but also raising two children on my own. I was divorced when my youngest was eight years olds. But, I made it through that. I then had to put my school on hold until she graduated from her high school. I now am fifty-one years old and started back in college to obtain my nursing degree. If I had gone to college all those years ago I would be living a nice life right now. But, none the less, I am going back and will finish my degree. It is alittle odd going to school with your teenage daughter. We both are going for our degree in nursing.
If I had the chance to go back and talk to myself then I would have told myself to go straight into a four year institution. Although attending a two year institution first is better financially the transition is harder especially with a child. Had I attended a four year college from the beginning I would not have to move my daughter into a brand new environment during the same time she will be starting school. Now I have to move to entirely different city away from all of my family and support system. I know my child will benefit in the long run from me finishing my degree in a field that I am passionate about but short term she will more than likely be sad and emotionally impaired.