James H Faulkner State Community College Top Questions

What should every freshman at James H Faulkner State Community College know before they start?


If I could go back and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I'd tell her that it's okay that you are not going to a four year college like your friends. Don't be disappointed you are going to a junior college, because it's the best decsion you will ever make. You will learn who you are, and who you want to be. You will praised for your obsession with History, heck you'll even get a scholarship becasue of it. I'd also tell her it's okay you were just an average highschool student, because in two years that won't matter. Two years from now you'll be dawning a gap and gown once again and you'll be the one with drapped in a golden stoll, and chords, walking across that stage to shake a hand and reciecve your first degree. You'll be the one going to her first choice universty on a scholarship, all becasue you attended Faulkner. I'd tell her going to Faulkner isn't the end, but the beginning.


I would advise to push myself a little bit harder to work for those scholarships. Do not get stressed out, it's hard for everyone not just you. Go ahead and find a university to attend, the experience is like no other. last but not least, get more help. let the teachers and counselers push you as far as you can go for your future.


If I could go back in time as a high school senior I would advise myself to plan early. I made the mistake when I was a high school senior not to plan my future or think through my options, I was just ready to graduate. That is something i regret most. I thought college would be just like high school and teachers would tell me what to do and push me to be my best, but that is not the truth at all. College is all about oneself and your own future, other people can not make your decisions for you. So, if I could go back in time I would tell myself to figure out what I want my life to be and be fully set on my goals so that when the time gets there I would be ready.


Ken, Soon you will be in college and in a whole new world. It is up to you to make the most of your time now and to prepare yourself for the future. Instill in yourself a strong work ethic, because it will be tested. Develop a sure moral compass, because it is easy to get lost. Build a network of support to catch you when you stumble. You will stumble, so practice getting back up now. ?Now?, now is best time for these things. I wish good luck Ken, but more importantly, I pray you are well prepared.


First of all, if you are not ready to fully take on the responsibility of studying, going to class, and applying yourself to your school then you should wait until you are. School is not a social event where you go to class to meet your friends and pass notes talking about the best parties coming up for the weekend. Your education is most important and that should come before your social events. Take it seriously and study, spend time getting to know the teacher and other students whose main focus is getting the best education and not the best alcohol for the weekend. You only have one shot at this, you're paying for it and putting all your time into it, you might as well get as much out of it as you can. Learn all that you can and use it for good. Take electives that you will enjoy and that you can use in the future, not just ones that you can sleep through just to get a credit. Buckle down and apply yourself. You would rather look back with immense knowledge rather than immense hangovers. Good Luck, You can do this!


I would tell myself to pay attention a little more. I would tell myself not to be afraid to ask questions . I would seek help from the guidance counselor when needed.


I made many irresponsible choices in high school. If I could go back in time, I would put the fear of God in me to do my homework and try harder on my exams. I could have done some great things if I had just put a little more effort into my scholastic duties. Of course, now that I am out on my own and working, I realize that my education could have been used to my advantage. Now I am reaping the benefits of my hard work. I am honored with promotions and raises; however this could have been a higher level of acheivment had I applied myself more in school. A part of me thinks that this is a lesson learned and that I can use this to teach others in that position that they may think it's "no big deal" now, but when you are actually out there working, an education can mean the difference between getting a job or not, a raise or none, or a promotion and staying where you are. I definitely have told my little brother to do his best in school so that he can acheive as much as possible.


If I was a high school senior I would have told myself that this senior year means a lot. I would have took studying more seriously than just playing around. I am doing good in college now, but I am having to adapt to the college life by studying, reading from the text book, and taking notes in class. I would also have also told myself to listen to the teachers and what they have to say. I listened, but I did not think to take the words to heart. They would tell my class that college is way different from high school and you all are going to have to make more time for studying than what you all do now. I would have just told myself to get ready and be commited to school and keeping my grades up, because that is what college life is about.


I would have learned better study habits. In high scool I did not have to study. I could go to class, listen to the lectures sometimes and be able to ace the test the next day. In college it is totally different. There is no studying the night before and being able to pass a test. Being a nursing major, it is very competitive to get into most programs. Grades are the first thing that they look at to be accepted. So making good grades in all my classes not just anatomy is my main priority. It takes weeks to study for some test and for someone not being use to studying it was very hard the first semester in college. I had a very rude awakening per say. So good study habits would be something I wish I would have learned prior to attending college.