i met my closes friends freshman year in the dorm, we have stuck together every since. last weekend i had a birthdya party at my apartment with all my friends. i only party on the weekends, but could during the week and also could not on the weekends. there are a lot of neeet places to hang out down town and a few things to do if you dont want to drink. there is always something going on.
Sororities and Fraternities.
I am involved in Student Ambassadors on campus who serve students past present and future. We work with alumni, put on fund raisers and community service projects on campus, as well as give tours and work to bring more and more students in. In doing this I have learned a lot about our campus and the students who attend. Dorm doors are usually left open during the day for visitors and what not. I met my best friends in my freshman dorm and have lived with them ever since.
I do not know the one most popular organization but there are over 300 clubs and organizations on campus. Fraternities and Sororities are part of the school but are not the biggest part. SGA and UPB are similar to student ambassadors and do a lot for the JMU community.
Football games are a huge deal on the JMU campus, during home games the campus is full of school spirit and pride.
I wouldn't say that there are one or a couple most popular groups on campus. JMU offers so many clubs and orgs that everyone finds something that they like. I find it amazing how the school offers tons of clubs and orgs that are for the most part entirely student run. I group that I am involved in is SafeRides, which is a designated driving service for JMU students on the weekends. The club is very young and only began driving last year. Since then however every student knows what it is and plenty students have used us. It is important for clubs such as this to put their names out there and to advertise heavily. A club like this not only has given me a chance to meet many interesting and cool people but also serves to protect JMU students and the Harrisonburg community.
In dorms everyone for the most part leaves their doors open if someone is home. If all roommates are gone then the door is locked. Living on campus everyone is eager to meet everyone so it is essential to leave the door open to invite people in.
Athletic events are popular even though our school may not have the most well known of athletic programs. In most cases, you know someone or know someone who knows someone on a team and you go to support them. They are fun events once you go and sometimes they give away shirts! Which is every college kids dream.
I met my closest friends through my dorm assignment freshmen year. I really lucked out to live in a suite of five other girls 3 of which are still some of my best friends. The co-ed dorm also offered me friendship to guys, which are my best guy friends still today.
If I’m awake at 2 am I’m either studying or talking about nothing with my best friends.
Traditions/events every year is homecoming pep rally and the race to get you "JMU: PURPLE OUT, I bleed Purple" t-shirts. At the end of my fours years at JMU I will be happy to have all four JMU purple out t-shirts because they will serve as markers to my JMU pride experience.
People party mostly on the weekends. Occasionally upperclassmen go out on Tuesdays and Thursdays also.
Last weekend I played in a beer pong tournament followed by a party for one of my SafeRides members. The theme was "around the world". The next night I went to my friend Jordan's birthday party.
Student Ambassadors, Student Government Association, and Safe Rides are some of the more popular groups on campus.
EVERYONE loves the boys soccer team. Some popular clubs on campus are student ambassadors, cru, saferides. There are always a ton of people at the athletic events. I met my closest friends in my hall and also on my rugby team. Usually if I am awake at 2am, I am doing homework. Some people party every night, but most people party Thurs-Sat. Frats and Sortorities are important to the people who are in them and that is about it. No one really cares about the sororities, but the frats throw parties a lot so people go to those. Last weekend I went out 2 nights and studied one. (It was mid-term week) On a Saturday night, you can go to TDU, the movies, or hang out with other friends that don't drink. Off campus, i go to walmart or panera.
The biggest group would be the football team, with over 100 on the roster. However, I'm involved with Students for a Democratic Society: JMU Progressives and Asian Student Union. They're both, thankfully, geared towards human rights and equality, which I don't feel is a real interest point for people here. Dorms leave doors open and unlocked, mostly. Football games are huge, and tailgating is even bigger. Cool guest speakers/performers: Desmond Tutu, Lupe Fiasco, Black Eyed Peas, etc. Dating is pretty easy, but there are more girls than boys, not that it's very noticeable. My closest friends are from my classes and my old dormatory. If I'm awake 2am on Tuesday, I either have a lab to turn in soon or I'm drinking or having insightful conversations with my roommates, or any mix of those. Football Games are the tradition. There are parties every weekend, at least 3 in one night any given person can go to. It lessens when it's cold though. Greek life is not very big. Last weekend, I partied Saturday, but chilled out the rest of the time.
JMU is full of life and things to do always. There are constantly guest speakers, events, shows, movies, parties, and just random people to hang out with. It's soo easy to bond with the people around you if you are open to do so and there is always a club or organization looking for new people. If you just get out there it is easy to find people you want to know.
Dorm doors are always open and dorms are one of the most fun places to live because you'll stay up until 4 in the morning doing things you never thought you'd find yourself doing at 4 in the morning. People party pretty much Friday and Saturday and sometimes Thursday. Fraternities are a non-issue and sororities are big but not HUGE. The rumors are true, the beer is FREE at parties and typically anyone is welcome. Almost all parties are at the apartment complexes but the older students like to go to a few of the bars in town. Last weekend we had 3 kegs at our apartment and about 50 people showed up that I didnt know to go along with the 50 that I did. I loved it.
We have over 300 clubs and there is something for everyone! If you don't find something you like, our Student Organization Services office is great about helping you start a new club. About 12 new clubs are accepted every year. Only 12{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the student body is Greek, so it is definitely not dominate on campus. JMU is a party school but there are also a lot of alternatives to drinking on the weekends. There are always events on campus.