groups/organizations- greek life is small. If you are in it you thing you are the "Sh**," if not you think they are retarded. Club sports teams are very competitive, some like soccer are nationally ranked. Intramural sports are excellent here at JMU and provide my friends and I a lot of fun. I met my closest friends from my dorm experiences both freshman AND sophomore year. I would suggest living on campus a second year if possible.
athletic events- football is always a good time. Tailgates before hand and usually some high scoring wins by JMU, almost always a playoff contender the past few years. The other sports are less frequented because of popularity or poor records.
partying- it was polled at one time that the average jmu student parties once per week. I can see this being true for most people, however my neighbors seem to go about 4 times a week!
non-drinking- movie theater is close, so is blockbuster. bowling alley is about 2 miles from campus. on campus has a group called "new and improv'd" which is like the tv show "Whose line is it anyway." thats pretty much it tho... or you could always STUDY (right?)
Last weekend I drank on friday night and watched movies with my girlfriend on saturday night.
As far as school sports Football definitely has the dominant following at JMU. The number of clubs/organizations here is insane because there is something for everyone. If there's not, you can start your own club if you have enough people. If you walk by the Commons you will usually leave with a flyer for an upcoming concert, guest speaker, or some other kind of event. Weekends start on Thursdays and end on Sundays for most people at JMU, but it's a very "work hard, play hard" mentality. People get their work done. People stay up late writing papers during the week and stay up partying during the weekend. Guys love the school because of the overwhelming number of beautiful women. Compared to other campuses, JMU girls are smokin' hot. Girls, although you may think the majority of "good" guys are taken, you can still find some quality male specimens here without having to look too too hard.
JMU has greek life. To the people in greek life its really important, but if you aren't involved in greek life its not a big deal.
The people you live with in your dorms, especially freshman year will more than likely be your friends for the rest of the time you are at JMU.
JMU always has great concerts. My freshman year OAR came, my junior year Ben Folds came, and this year T-pain is coming!
A 2 am on a tuesday I might be at the Pub, but I try to not make that a habit cause I have an 8 AM on wednesday.
Last weekend, I worked Friday night then watched a movie with my roomates. Saturday I went to happy hour with my girlfriends and out to a few bars. To me I don't have to drink to have fun. There is a lot to do on the weekends if you don't want to drink. Campus has a movie theater that has cheap tickets. There is also a theater in town that places new releases. My girl friends and I really like have a "girls night" and cooking a lot of delish food and having girl talk. Not everyone drinks on the weekends, especially during crucial times of the semesters. People think JMU is a big party school, but you aren't a social outcast if you don't go out. I have found that a lot of upper classman have matured and the allure of going out isn't that big of a deal.
Orientation and Student Ambassadors are two of the popular groups of campus. I am involved with SafeRides. This is an organization that provides rides for students on weekends between the 11pm-3am. It's goal is to help eliminate the possibility of drunk driving and it's doing great so far. Yes, students do leave their doors open and most are very welcoming. Football and basketball are the most popular and draw the biggest crowds. Guest speakers: depends on who is speaking. Theater: a great deal. Well considering that our ratio is 60/30 girls to guys it is hard to find a real relationship here. There are mainly random hook ups or people that are just looking to have fun and not a serious relationship. I meet my closet friends through my Orientation group during 1787 Orientation. At 2am, I'm either doing work or studying. There is always homecoming that happens, purple out is really popular, block party, the annual tree lighting, things like that. People party all the time. Mainly on friday and saturday night. Frats and Sororities are on campus but not as prominent as with a huge university. I watched movies with my friends and stayed in. It was too cold and yucky to do anything else. You can go to TDU, you can go to Massanutten, you can catch a movie or just something random with friends. Off campus, it's just a typical going shopping, go out to eat kind of event.
-SGA is popular on campus
-dorm doors are left open only when students are in their rooms; doors are closed and locked when no one is there
-football games are moderately popular, basketball too, other sports are not very popular
-people party probably 2-4 times a week
-greek life is not big on the JMU campus
popular groups tend to be greek life. i am involved with cmaa--club managers association of america. when i was a dorm student i left my room door open but my suite door had a lock. football games are not popular but tailgating before them are. the other teams do not get much of a fan base. i met my closest friends from freshman year. if i am awake at 2 am on a tuesday it is probably because i cant fall asleep. people party at least twice a weekend. if i dont go out on a weekend which is rare i stay home i dont know of anything to do otherwise.
-I'm invloved in club cross country and track and I LOVE it and the people. It gives me a chance to run for fun and also compete.
-Football games are really popular and are really fun/exciting
-my roomate became my closet friend but I met my others through friends I knew before college started.
-I'm never up at 2am on a Tuesday. I'd rather sleep
-People party a lot on weekends but there many other things to do beside drink
JMU is 12{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} Greek. It's an option if you're into it, and the people in it really like it. But it is NOT something you have to do to fit in or have friends.
The biggest organizations at JMU would be SGA, student Government Association, Student Ambassadors, SafeRides, Greek life, Inter mural and club sports. I'm mostly involved in SafeRides, it is a designated driving program where student volunteers provide rides to JMU students on the weekend. Students in dorms leave their dorms open for the most part, especially if they live in a suite, they'll leave their doors open and the suite door locked. Athletic events could be more popular, we have a great turn-out for football games but not so much anything else. Guest speakers get a great turn-out because people are interested in different things. Lots of people interested in Theater and we have a great theater program. Dating scene? Not much to say, lots of casual dating, unfortunately lots of hook ups at parties, lots of couples. A good mix like anywhere, probably too many random hook ups at parties. I met my closest friends in my dorm freshman year and in SafeRides. If I'm awake Tuesday at 2am I'm either hanging out with friends or studying last minute for a test. Lots f traditions every year, homecoming, JMubilee, concerts, recycle mugs, purple out shirts, etc. People party a lot here like anywhere else. Always a party somewhere on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. Some people don't party as much as others. Fraternities and sororities are not that important, maybe 10{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} or less involved in greek life. Definitely not everyone. Last weekend I had a party for my roommate who turned 21, Saturday night I stayed in and watched a movie, Sunday I had dinner with all my freshman dorm mates like we do every Sunday. Lots of things to do on a Saturday night without drinking, seeing a movie, staying in and watching a movie, staying in with friends playing games, work SafeRides, go to TDU where they often have comedy or bands, go to a late night breakfast, go bowling, go skating, just hang out. I live off campus, I shop off campus for food or at the mall, I've gone to the movies, bowling, roller skating off campus. JMU has some of the prettiest landmarks surrounding it off campus, I've gone up to a peak nearby, swam in a swimming hole, gone to a haunted house, gone camping, the options are endless!