James Madison University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at James Madison University?


Slutty girls, guys with no game.


Well, the biggest stereotype about JMU is that all the students are drunk all the time. There are a lot of girls, and a lot of promiscous hooking up.


they party a lot


There are really good parties. JMU has the most STDs of any of the colleges in VA. There is a high ratio of female to male.


Everyone's white and preppy. All the girls are hot, the boys are frat boys, and we only have one brain between all of us collected. We pregame like you party every night of the week and the alcohol's always free. Our marching band can kick your football team's butt and our mascot will beat yours up. If you wear Uggs, you'll fit right in. Freshmen are stupid and gain 15 lbs their first semester from the awesome food.


That the girls are beautiful the guys are rich snobs.


The frat boys get no where with their social life after college. Some Virginia girls come here to find a Virginia husband.


It is full of hot girls, everyone is rich and dresses nice.


-there are more girls than boys -all girls are blonde and all boys are good looking -everyone wears polos/khackis -beer is free -party school


Only girls, STIs, Parties, Rich white girls.