James Madison University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at James Madison University?


Professors always talk about how JMU students like to consume large amounts of alcohol, which is obviously not true in all cases. There is also the one of the typical blonde girl who wears large sunglasses and Ugg boots.


The major stereotype that I hear all the time is that JMU is just a big party school.


1.) James Madison is that the only thing to do on the weekends is binge drink. 2.) Everyone is from Virginia


The idea that students at JMU just go out and party is absurd. While it is true that we know how to have fun, we also know how to do our academic work even better.


-We are a big party school -All the girls are pretty -Everyone here is only here because they didn't get into Tech or UVA


all a bunch of rich white kids


That there are a lot of really hot girls that go here.


Everyone is white. All the girls are blonde, mentally retarded, and tend to dress exactly the same. The North Face and Uggs aren't suggested wearing, they're more or less requirements for acceptance. Despite what may seem like negatives, the girls are all hot and will hook up with anyone with a penis.


At JMU, in the morning we wake up, roll over, and introduce ourselves.


Everyone thinks that all students at JMU do is party and drink. Definately not true.