James Madison University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at James Madison University?


A lot of people think that all girls at JMU are the same, and that all of the guys are only after one thing because of the Male/Female ratio. JMU also has a bit of reputation as a party school.


-There is no diversity


JMU is a Party School with lots of "hot" girls


There are both negative and positive stereotypes about both JMU and its students. It has a big reputation as a party school that tends to live inside its own JMU-bubble. Students are known as very friendly, open, and active. Nearly all students are involved in some sort of extracurricular. They are less competitive over grades and more competitive about who has the more hectic social schedule. The only negative stereotypes associated with the students are that many tend to come from a fairly white-washed background of privilege. Despite this, many are willing to reach out and gain an appreciation of new experiences. JMU is one of the happiest places in the world. It is known for it's spirit and its students are happy to make it known what a great place this is to be.


Everyone thinks this is a party school- granted yes, there are tons of parties on the weekend, but you there are so many other things to do if you dont want to go out (i.e. go camping, go to the Blue Hole, go see Patch Adams or Mister Belding, go see Mae or Lupe Fiasco...etc.) There are too many girls at this school-yes thats true :-) It might be difficult finding a serious boyfriend if thats what you are seeking, but there are plenty of male friends to be made and guys to date.


That all we do is party, have sex and spread STD's


The major stereotype is that James Madison is a party school full of hot women.


The three stereotypes I think of right away are: 1) JMU is a party school, 2) the girls are hot, and 3) we're a bunch of rich white kids.


1. There is a stereotype that JMU is a huge party school. 2. JMU girls are hott.


Some of the stereotypes involve the fact that we are just a stuck-up non diverse school. People seem to think that most people here coming from the upper class and we don't span across all of the population. We have the reputation for not having any guys and being practically an all girl school, which I mean can be great for guys, but girls have it a little hard. We are known for our beer being free and our parties seem to be the ones that many college students flock to.