James Madison University Top Questions

What's unique about your campus?


The fact that there is no physics graduate program means that all of your professors are interested in the undergraduate students only. You get a more one on one attention and opens possibilities of research.


The campus is awesome.


There is so much to be involved in at James Madison University. The variety of clubs allows every student to find something they are interested. Also, the school spirit is incredible at the university. The environment is so welcoming and kind with all of the positive energy and spirit.


parties. girls


The atmosphere is welcoming and friendly. I remember there was a time when I did not have my umbrella with me, and it was pouring outside. One of the James Madison University (JMU) students saw me and walked me to my designated location with her umbrella. The first time I ever visited James Madison University, I knew immediately that it was the perfect school for me due to the fact that it was a great fit.


I love the scenery of the rolling hills, Massanuten Snow Resort is 30 min. away, the professors really care, you make life-long friends, people aren't juddmental compared to other schools and all of the students really enjoy making the best out of their time.


How friendly we our, how much we serve the community, and our school pride.


The academics. They are very demanding and excellent quality. The professors are amazing and approachable.


The best thing about JMU is the atmosphere and the overall spirit. Everyone is so sweet and kind and you truly understand the meaning of the word southern comfort. People open doors for each other, and respect each others thoughts, feelings and ideas in the classroom setting. Everyone has such JMU pride for our school and all of us are proud to attend college here.


I think the best thing about our school is our students, we are the ones that make up this school and bring the change and sucess to the wonderful school.